World NF Awareness Day
Posted in Health & Fitness Holidays

World NF Awareness Day & Month

World NF Awareness Day and Month – This is an awareness day that hits very close to home as I have Neurofibromatosis (NF). My mother, uncle, and cousins have NF. Some cities are gonna Shine A Light on NF on this day. #EndNF #WorldNFDay #Neurofibromatosis

Mother's Day
Posted in Bible Church Signs Family Holidays

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day: A Special greeting for all the moms, Bible verses on “Mother” & a list of all blog entries pertaining to mom. #MothersDay #Moms

Names for Mom
Posted in Bible Holidays Mother Printable

Names for Mom Printable

Names for Mom – This is a complied list of the names we call our mother. Includes a free printable version! Happy Mother’s Day! #Mom #MothersDay #Mommy

Have A Coke Day
Posted in Holidays

National Have A Coke Day

National Have A Coke Day – this day is for those who love the refreshing taste of a coke. Check out some brief facts and history of Coca-Cola. #NationalHaveACokeDay #CokeDay

National Teachers Day #NationalTeachersDay #ThankATeacher #TeacherDay
Posted in Educational Holidays

National Teacher Day

National Teacher Day is a day to To pay tribute to American educators. Sponsored by the National Education Association, Teacher Day falls during the National PTA’s Teacher Appreciation Week. #ThankATeacher #NationalTeacherDay #TeacherDay

Posted in Bullying Holidays

Anti-Bullying Day

Anti-Bullying Day – Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and environments. Anti-Bullying Day, observed in various countries, is not just a day; it’s a movement, a call to action, and a reminder that each of us has a role in creating a safer, more inclusive world.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Posted in Christian Holidays

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

International Holocaust Remembrance Day – A day to remember the tragic events of the Holocaust that occurred during the Second World War (World War II). #HolocaustRemembranceDay

Posted in Christian Holidays

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo: A Christian Perspective

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo: A Christian Perspective – Cinco de Mayo, which means “Fifth of May” in Spanish, is a holiday that originated in Mexico but has gained popularity and recognition around the world. While many people associate Cinco de Mayo with festive celebrations, delicious food, and vibrant parades, it is important for Christians to reflect on this occasion from a faith-centered perspective. In this blog post, we will explore Cinco de Mayo through the lens of our Christian beliefs and consider how we can find meaning and purpose in this cultural celebration.

National Day of Reason
Posted in Holidays

National Day of Reason

National Day of Reason – In response to National Day of Prayer the secular humanist, atheist, secularist and freethinkers created this secular celebration. #DayReason

National Pretzel Day
Posted in Holidays

National Pretzel Day

National Pretzel Day – An Annual Holiday for Pretzel. A day to celebrate the wonderful treat we love … Pretzels … Whether it be a soft pretzel or a hard pretzel. Plus find out how to score a free pretzel or two. #PretzelDay #NationalPretzelDay #Pretzel #Pretzels

Earth Day
Posted in Bible Creation God Holidays Romans

Earth Day

Earth Day – day set aside to remind us to take care of the Earth and help provide protect for the environment. God gave us the Earth! We need to take care of it! Everyday! #EarthDay

Posted in Holidays Palindromes

Palindrome Week 2024

Palindrome Week 2024: A Rare Alignment of Dates, a unique phenomenon is set to occur that delights numerologists, mathematicians, and the curious alike. Palindrome Week, a sequence of days where the date reads the same backward and forward, will grace our calendars. This year, from April 20th to April 29th, each day’s date can be mirrored, creating a perfect symmetry that occurs only once in a blue moon.

Posted in Holidays

National High Five Day

National High Five Day — Every year on the third Thursday of April, the air fills with a sense of camaraderie and positivity as people around the world celebrate National High Five Day.

Posted in Holidays

American Sign Language Day

American Sign Language Day also known as ASL Day a day to celebrate American Sign Language (ASL). #ASLDAY

National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
Posted in Holidays

National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day

National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day – A day to celebrate and honor former Prisoner of War men and women.

World Autism Awareness Day Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue #LIUB
Posted in All Things Color Christian Holidays

World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Day – This is a day to help raise awareness of autism. They are asking people to wear light blue on April 2 for World Autism Day. So Light It Up Blue! #WorldAutismDay #AutismDay #AustismSpeaks #LIUB #LightItUpBlue

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
Posted in Holidays

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day – that beloved sandwich with peanut butter and jelly has its own day. The one they say that the average American eats thousands of them before they graduate high school.

National Crayon Day #NationalCryaonDay #CrayonDay
Posted in Holidays

National Crayon Day

National Crayon Day – Crayons, as a child we all love to color with crayons. Now there is a day for those who love to color with crayons. #NationalCrayolaCrayonDay #CrayolaCrayonDay

Happy Easter Resurrection Day | Rejoice for He is Risen!
Posted in Bible Cross Death Easter Emmaus Forgiveness Freedom Heaven Holidays Jesus Christ Men of the Bible Repent Resurrection Romans Sin Witnessing Women of the Bible

Happy Easter “Resurrection Day”

Happy Easter | I talk about today being Easter, Resurrection Day. The day where Jesus Christ arose from the grave and conquered death. He also died to save us from our sins too. #Easter #ResurrectionSunday #Resurrection
Day #Resurrection

Holy Saturday #HolySaturday
Posted in Bible Easter Holidays Jesus Christ Resurrection

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday – The day when Jesus’ body was placed in the tomb. This is part of the three important parts of Easter. The Death, Burial and Resurrection! #HolySaturday