National Wife Appreciation Day – Not that we need a day to show appreciation to our wife, as every day should be. #WifeAppreciationDay
Category: Holidays

Cap’n ChristianBlogR says take the family out for some free fish or chicken & free donuts! Share some Bible Stories of the Sea on International Talk Like A Pirate Day. #ITLAPD20124 #TalkLikeAPirateDay #PirateDay #TalkLikeAPirateDay #LJPirateDay #KKPirateDay #ITLAPD #Pirate

Teddy Bear Day – a day to celebrate that cuddle stuffed bear. #TeddyBearDay

Honor America on Patriot Day – September 11, 2001, was a tragic day in American history. On that day, nearly 3,000 innocent lives were lost due to the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. as well as in rural Pennsylvania, where another plane en route for more destruction crash-landed.

A Day of Remembrance. 9/11. It has been 18 years now. Just a brief write up on Patriot Day & National Day of Service & Remembrance (September 11). #PatriotDay #911 #September11

National Back to Church Sunday – a day to help equip and encourage church members to invite people to church.

Wish you and your family a happy and safe Labor Day. I briefly talk about this holiday as well and share when we celebrate this holiday. #LaborDay

National Grief Awareness Day: A Time to Honor and Heal — National Grief Awareness Day, observed annually on August 30th, is a day dedicated to acknowledging the universal experience of grief and loss. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a job, or a dream, grief is a complex emotion that can affect us all in different ways.

Why Labor Day is worth celebrating – Labor Day weekend is much-anticipated. Many people look forward to Labor Day weekend because it offers one last extended break to enjoy summer weather. #LaborDay

The Teal Pumpkin Project – Teal is the new Orange! – Help save God’s children by not giving them allergen containing treats, but other gifts instead. Plus raising awareness of food allergies during Trick or Treats or Trunk or Treats. Did you know that 1 in 13 children have a form of food allergy? #TealPumpkinProject #TealPumpkin #Halloween #Teal #FoodAllergies #FACET #FARE

National Friendship Day – I take this time to write a mini blog entry about Friendship Day. #FriendshipDay #NationalFriendshipDay #Friends

August, the month that is named in honor of Augustus Caesar and previously went by the name “Sextilis.” #August

National Eagle Scout Day – August 1, 1912 marks the first board of review for the rank of Eagle in the Boy Scouts of America. Eagle Scouts have been around for over 100 years now. I am one of the elite group of boys who attained the rank of Eagle. #EagleScout #EagleScoutDay #NESA #BoyScouts #NationalEagleScoutDay

8th of August is a date marked by significant historical events. In 1863, Tennessee Governor Andrew Johnson freed his enslaved people, sparking a tradition of celebrating emancipation. #8thofAugust #EmancipationDay

National Gummi Worm Day. Yes there is a day for those yummy gummi treats the Gummi Worm! #GummiWorms #NationalGummiWormDay #GummiWormDay

World Chocolate Day – This day is when the world celebrates chocolate. Even some chocolaty deals. #WorldChocolateDay

National Fried Chicken Day – A day to even eat fried chicken. We all know us Baptist love to eat. If you are a Baptist Pastor, more than likely you like fried chicken aka the gospel goose. #NationalFriedChickenDay

Happy 4th of July. Maybe you will take this special day to share Jesus with others and be a bold witness or hand out gospel tracts. #4thofJuly #IndepednaceDay #July4 #July4th

National Sunglasses Day – Help The Vision Council celebrate National Sunglasses Day by sharing the importance of wearing ultraviolet (UV)-protective sunwear and eyewear on your social media channels. Make sure to use these hashtags. #NationalSunglassesDay #SunglassSelfie

Forgiveness Day – Yes there are two holidays on forgiving. Yet, we shouldn’t need a holiday to forgive. #ForgivenessDay #Forgiveness