Happy New Year | Feliz año nuevo | bonne année – A Happy New Year Greeting from Courageous Christian Father. #2022 #HappyNewYear #NewYearsDay #NewYears
Category: God

The Origin of the Phrase “God Bless You” — When someone sneezes, it’s almost instinctive to say “God bless you.” This phrase, which has become a universal reaction in many cultures, has a history that’s as rich as it is fascinating.

Love of God is first displayed on the Cross. Then it is also shown by other believers.

From Courageous Christian Father and my family to yours. I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Give God thanks for what you have and what you don’t have. #thanksgiving #HappyThanksgiving

Reformation Day
October 31 is also Reformation Day, Martin Luther wrote The 95 Thesis on this day 500 years ago and nailed it to the Castle Church door in Wittenburg in Germany. I share about Reformation Day and even the full length movie of I Will Not Recant. #ReformationDay #95Thesis #MartinLuther #IWillNotRecant

Halloween Alternatives
Halloween alternatives: Facts on Halloween & Bible verses that pertain to not dealing or imitate darkness, evil, spirits. Participating in Halloween may seem fun. But, there is nothing fun about playing on Satan’s playground. It does not matter how many other people are playing there with you. We should be worshiping the Lord our God and sharing his faith, not inviting the devil to have his fun. #Halloween #HalloweenAlternatives

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. A month set aside of the year to show appreciation to your pastor. Usually the second Sunday of October is Pastor Appreciation Day. Check out this list of 20 Ways To Show Appreciation for your Pastor as part of Pastor Appreciation for any time. Includes Free printable version! #PastorAppreciationMonth #PastorAppreciation

An Analogy of how being a Christian is like a pumpkin, explains being a christian in the form of being a pumpkin being carved into a jack-o-lantern. #pumpkin

31 Day Proverbs Challenge – Proverbs Challenge: The 31 Day Proverbs Challenge is a challenge to read the Book of Proverbs in 31 days.Read one chapter per day for 31 days. Also includes a free Printable Checklist.

The Great Pumpkin Analogy
Linus & the The Great Pumpkin, from It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, is a good analogy to use when we talk about having faith Linus shows great faith. We need to have similar faith but our faith needs to be in Christ! #GreatPumpkin #faith #Linus #CharlieBrown

Thank A Police Officer Day – When you see a police officer be sure to thank him or her for their service. I do this to everyone I pass on a daily basis. I encourage you to do the same thing, not just on this one day! #Police #PoliceOfficer #ThankAPoliceOfficerDay #Blue #bluelivesmatter

Prison-Shaking Savior – God has a way to shake things up to get our attention or the attention of those around us. Zach Williams said it great in his song, Chain Breaker. #PrisonShakingSavior #ChainBreaker

A Day of Remembrance. 9/11. It has been 18 years now. Just a brief write up on Patriot Day & National Day of Service & Remembrance (September 11). #PatriotDay #911 #September11

God Is Greater Than Our Highs And Lows — G>^V — This is another symbol representing something for the gospel with this one it mostly uses mathematical symbols …

Bring Your Bible to School Day – Students, mark your calendar for Bring your Bible to School Day. Tell your friends, family and everyone! Share this blog post so others will know about it too. Do you know that what you bring to school says a lot about you. You can bring a lot of things to school, Why not bring your Bible? #BringYourBible #BgBg2

Witnessing bracelets are a simple yet effective tool used to share one’s faith. Typically made of silicone or other durable materials, they feature Christian symbols or messages, often related to the Gospel.

National Friendship Day – I take this time to write a mini blog entry about Friendship Day. #FriendshipDay #NationalFriendshipDay #Friends

National Eagle Scout Day – August 1, 1912 marks the first board of review for the rank of Eagle in the Boy Scouts of America. Eagle Scouts have been around for over 100 years now. I am one of the elite group of boys who attained the rank of Eagle. #EagleScout #EagleScoutDay #NESA #BoyScouts #NationalEagleScoutDay

Hurt by the Elephant and the Donkey? Then look to the Lamb! Do you feel hurt by your political leaders? The answer is the Lamb!

10 things you know to be absolutely certain — Today’s writing prompt is to list 10 things that are absolutely true.