Fire Fighters Prayer

Firefighters Prayer – When I am Called to Duty, God. Whenever flames may rage, Give me strength to save some life, Whatever be its age … Click to finish reading the rest of the fire fighters prayer. #FireFighters #FireFightersPrayer

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International Firefighters Day (IFFD) - A day set aside to honor our firefighters and remember our fallen firefighters. We can show our support and honor that these men and women sacrifice as firefighters to ensure that our communities and environment are as safe as possible. #IFFD #FirefightersDay

International Firefighters Day (IFFD) – A day set aside to honor our firefighters and remember our fallen firefighters. We can show our support and honor that these men and women sacrifice as firefighters to ensure that our communities and environment are as safe as possible. #IFFD #FirefightersDay

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Fire does not touch any of the church’s Bibles - This now just happened in Grandview, WV at Freedom Ministries Church. The firefighting crew was stunned to see these Bibles survived due to how hot this devastating fire was.

Fire does not touch any of the church’s Bibles – This now just happened in Grandview, WV at Freedom Ministries Church. The firefighting crew was stunned to see these Bibles survived due to how hot this devastating fire was.

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The City of Baneberry in Jefferson County, TN has earned Firewise USA Recognition (Baneberry, TN)

The City of Baneberry in Jefferson County, TN has earned Firewise USATM recognition from the National Fire Protection Association based on their efforts to reduce the vulnerability of homes and landscapes in their community to wildfire. This community joins 21 others in Tennessee to earn this recognition since the program started in 2002. #Firewise #Baneberry

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Get Alarmed Tennessee (Free Smoke Alarms for Tennessee Residents) - A Program that helps get smoke alarms in houses to help with fire safety. This program is currently available for Tennessee residents.

Get Alarmed Tennessee (Free Smoke Alarms for Tennessee Residents) – A Program that helps get smoke alarms in houses to help with fire safety. This program is currently available for Tennessee residents. #AlarmedTN #GetAlarmedTN

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Pray for Gatlinburg #PrayforGatlinburg #Gatlinburg

Updates from the Devastating Gatlinburg Wildfires Destruction – as death roll rises and structures damaged and destroyed list grows. #Gatlinburg #PrayforGatlinburg #PrayforTennessee

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Firefighting a Rewarding Career

Firefighting can be a rewarding career and exciting opportunity to serve one’s community. Firefighters protect homes and businesses when fires unexpectedly break out, saving millions of dollars in potential property loss. These invaluable workers also make emergency medical calls and may help preserve lives until paramedics or other medical services can respond. #firefighters #firefighting #fires

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Fire Safety 101 – Home Fire Safety Checklist & Facts About Fire – Fire safety tips, Fire Safety check list, safety information, facts about fire & change your clocks, change your batteries information for your household & family. . #FireSafety #FireFacts #FireSafetyChecklist

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Burned Bible Page found at Dollywood from the Wildfires

A burnt Bible Page Found at Dollywood from the Wildfires – Isaac McCord, a Dollywood employee, found a burned Bible page at Dollywood, the day after wildfires tore through Sevier County. The page, an excerpt from Joel chapter one, reflects the tragedy of the disaster, he said. Below is a photo of that clipping. #Gatlinburg #Dollywood #Bible #PrayforGatlinburg #Wildfires #Fires

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Wildfire Danger Still Remains High

Despite the recent rainfall and cooler temperature in Tennessee, wildfire danger still remains high, with 10 new fires on Sunday and a total of 61 fires still burning in the state. Urgent Prayers are still needed for significant amount of rain! #Wildfire #Wildfires #BurnBan #Tennessee

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Never leave your partner alone. A very moving movie about relationships. This is by the Kendrick Brothers. They also produced Courageous. This is a must watch. I know I cried as I watched this. I recommend this movie! I even read the Love Dare book that the movie talks about. #Fireproof

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