A science teacher and a student talk about belief in God. Student shows the teacher about having Faith God exist. So I titled this The Science Teacher and the Christian Student. Read this story and tell me what you think?
Category: Faith
We need to be still and not panic. Give it to God, he can handle it and see us through.
StEpPiNg out in Faith, WIll you do what God has called you to do. No matter if it seems crazy to others?
This is the ultimate question. You are held gun point. You are asked to denounce your belief in Christ (deny Christ) and you will not be shot, but if you say you you accept Christ and belong to Him, you will be shot. What would you do? Would you admit you belong to Him or would you deny Him?
Uncommon (Movie Review & Trailer)
Movie review & trailer to “Uncommon” “Find your voice” & educate students, teachers, & parents about the fact that students do NOT lose their free speech & freedom of religion when they enter the schoolhouse #Uncommon
Prayers for the fallen Marines &Naval Sailor that were gunned down in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Be Faithful in prayer! #SemperFidelis #SemperFi #USMC #Prayers #Chattanooga #USN
Catching Faith (Review & Trailer)
This is an unbiased review of the movie “Catching Faith”. A family is shunned by their community after their football-player son is caught drinking. +Trailer #CatchingFaith
Check out this Alpha Baptist Church sign on The Great Physician being always on call.
This is a movie review of a faith-based movie called, Virtuous. It is about the Virtuous Woman found in Proverbs 31. Read my review, learn about the movie and see the trailer. #Virtuous #VirtuousMovie #Proverbs31
McFaith video by bluefishTV (youtube) What if having faith was just as easy as ordering at a fast food joint. Is it that easy, can we pick and choose or only one way?
“Sex is suppose to be a marital privilege, not an audition for dating.” A little bit more talk about True Love Waits.
It is important that we instill Biblical sound principles in our children so that they will know what God expects from them as they get older, especially during prom season and dating.
Red Alert! Raise your Shields!
Shield of Faith. Having the shield of faith. You have Faith in God. You trust in God and He will take care of you. He will take away all fire and evil by having the shield of faith. Red Alert! Raise your shields. #bgbg2
Dial These Numbers In Case of Emergency
Dial These Numbers In Case of Emergency, where to go in the Bible to get Some help with what you may be going through.
We are told by God to Put on the whole Armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil, as it is stated in verse 11 of Ephesians 6:10-18.
A great video that demonstrates the importance of just keep praying, soon your darkness will become all clear. Using Gatorade bottle, dark liquid and water. #prayer
Download your printable Grace Cards from the movie Grace Card. A Card to promise to pray, ask for forgiveness , to grant the same and to be their friend. Plus the synopsis and trailer to the movie Grace Card.
Proofs in the Pudding
Proofs in the Pudding: A Christian should show fruit that they are a Christian.
Check out this church sign from Alpha Baptist Church that tells you what Looks Behind Ahead and Up and about Sorrow, Worry and Faith.
Stop Sign, part of the Road Signs of the Bible series at Courageous Christian Father.