Posted in Bible Christian Church Courageous Death Evangelism God Heaven Jesus Christ Love Pastors Titanic Witnessing

John Harper, Baptist Pastor, Hero aboard Titanic

John Harper was a baptist pastor & a hero aboard the Titanic, a ship they said wouldn’t sink. Find out why he is a hero! #Titanic #Titanic104 #JohnHarper #LastTitanicHero

Posted in Evangelism Jesus Christ

Life Savers

Life Savers – Just an example of a candy you can use to share the gospel. #LifeSavers

A church that does not evangelize will fossilize - Meaning the church will die!
Posted in Church Evangelism Podcast

A church that does not evangelize will fossilize

A church that does not evangelize will fossilize – Meaning the church will die!

Teens can now bring hope and encouragement of the Gospel to their friends “virtually” through the Life in 6 Words app - Dare 2 Share Ministries’ Life in 6 Words mobile app now allows students to share the Gospel in their own words, from the safety of their own homes.
Posted in Christian Apps Evangelism Jesus Christ Youth

Teens can now bring hope and encouragement of the Gospel to their friends “virtually” through the Life in 6 Words app

Teens can now bring hope and encouragement of the Gospel to their friends “virtually” through the Life in 6 Words app – Dare 2 Share Ministries’ Life in 6 Words mobile app now allows students to share the Gospel in their own words, from the safety of their own homes.

YEC Will Be Virtual This Year - The Youth Evangelistic Conference held by the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board (TBMB) will not meet in person, but have a Virtual version this year. #YEC #YEC2021 #YECWastchParty
Posted in Evangelism Tennessee

YEC Will Be Virtual This Year

YEC Will Be Virtual This Year – The Youth Evangelistic Conference held by the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board (TBMB) will not meet in person, but have a Virtual version this year. #YEC #YEC2021 #YECWatchParty

Deck of Cards Gospel Presentation - You can use a deck of playing cards to share the gospel. You can use the various cards, suits, colors, etc. to share the gospel including Bible references.
Posted in Christian Evangelism Gospel Podcast

Deck of Cards Gospel Presentation

Deck of Cards Gospel Presentation – You can use a deck of playing cards to share the gospel. Along with Bible verses too. Including a Free Printable version!

Free Gospel Tracts
Posted in Bible Evangelism

How to get Free Gospel Tracts Sent Via Snail Mail

Sites that give you free Gospel Tracts or Gospel of John Books that are sent to you free via the snail mail (postal mail). Plus tips & ideas of where to leave gospel tracts. #GospelTracts #FreeGospelTracts

KBC Evangelism Milestone Award 2020 - The Kentucky Baptist Convention (KBC) named Pastor Allen Bonnell of Immauel Baptist Church of Corbin for this award. #EvangelismMilestoneAward
Posted in Church Evangelism Gospel Witnessing

KBC Evangelism Milestone Award 2020

KBC Evangelism Milestone Award 2020 – The Kentucky Baptist Convention (KBC) named Pastor Allen Bonnell of Immauel Baptist Church of Corbin for this award. #EvangelismMilestoneAward

Posted in Evangelism Witnessing Writing Prompts

A Ship Rose Up Out of the Deep Sea

A Ship Rose Up Out of the Deep Sea a tail about a ship that arose out of the deep sea.

Blessing Bags (Screenshot)
Posted in Bible Blessings Encouragement Evangelism Fruit of the Spirit God Jesus Christ Love Tracts Witnessing

Blessing Bags

Blessing Bags – Fill a bag full of usable items and give them away to those in need like the homeless. Maybe a great way to share the love of of Christ instead of giving cash out to a stranger. #BlessingBags

Gospel in Every a Home - This should be a goal for all Christians, since we are ALL called to share the gospel! #GospelInEveryHome
Posted in Church Evangelism Kentucky Witnessing

Gospel to Every Home

Gospel in Every a Home – This should be a goal for all Christians, since we are ALL called to share the gospel! #GospelInEveryHome

Shake off the dust off your feet if you try to witness and the person rejects the Gospel you presenting to them. (Pig Pin Image)
Posted in Evangelism Witnessing

Shake off the dust

Shake off the dust off your feet if you try to witness and the person rejects the Gospel you presenting to them.

Posted in Evangelism Quotes

Biggest obstacle to evangelism quote

Biggest obstacle to evangelism quote – a quote by Albert Mohler on evangelizing.

Posted in Evangelism VOTD

VOTD May 6

VOTD May 6 – “And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭10:2‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Why Evangelize? Why should we go out and evangelize (share the gospel?). After all evangelism is import and we are all called to evangelize!
Posted in Evangelism

Why Evangelize?

Why Evangelize? Why should we go out and evangelize (share the gospel?). After all evangelism is import and we are all called to evangelize!

Sharing Jesus is not canceled! When everything we can do and go is being canceled due to COVID-19 there is one thing that is not canceled ... SHARING JESUS
Posted in Evangelism Gospel Tracts Jesus Christ

Sharing Jesus is not Canceled

Sharing Jesus is not canceled! When everything we can do and go is being canceled due to COVID-19 there is…

For Christians, it is better to die evangelizing, helping, loving and serving our neighbors than to be surrounded by hoarded supplies we never use. Dustin Benge
Posted in Evangelism

Surrounded by Hoarded Supplies We Never Use

For Christians, it is better to die evangelizing, helping, loving and serving our neighbors than to be surrounded by hoarded supplies we never use. Dustin Benge

We need a passion to see people who are far from God experience the new life He offers through Jesus Christ. J.D. Greear #WhosYour1
Posted in Evangelism Quotes

Need A Passion to see people

We need a passion to see people who are far from God experience the new life He offers through Jesus Christ. J.D. Greear #WhosYour1

You may just reach one
Posted in Evangelism Quotes

You may just reach one

You may just reach one, but the one you reach may reach thousands! Who’s Your One? Johnny Hunt #WhosYour1

Who’s Your One Evangelism Workshop - Can we image if all Christians prayed and witnessed to at least one lost person, what an impact on the Kingdom that can make! #WhosYour1
Posted in Evangelism

Who’s Your One?

Who’s Your One Evangelism Workshop – Can we image if all Christians prayed and witnessed to at least one lost person, what an impact on the Kingdom that can make! #WhosYour1