This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Behind the Scenes – Every part matters. The truth remains that those in the limelight would not be in the limelight without someone sitting behind said light and turning it on. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller
Category: Encouragement
This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about encouragement. It is perhaps the most powerful tool in existence. #Encouragement. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller
Regeneration by Shai Linne
This is the video song and lyrics to the song Regeneration by Shai Linne. Shai Linne is a Christian Rapper who raps Biblical & Theological truths. #ShaiLinne #Regeneration
I’d rather prefer the way I do evangelism versus the way you do not do it talking about those who complain about the way I evangelise vs the way they don’t do it.
Catching Faith (Review & Trailer)
This is an unbiased review of the movie “Catching Faith”. A family is shunned by their community after their football-player son is caught drinking. +Trailer #CatchingFaith
A great video that demonstrates the importance of just keep praying, soon your darkness will become all clear. Using Gatorade bottle, dark liquid and water. #prayer
A question was asked to Billy Graham on offering encouragement for being a single parent. This is the question and Billy’s reply.
A very encouraging song by Sidewalk Prophets is called “The Words I Would Say.” I share my experience with this encouraging song.
I talk about my 3 years of experience with fitbit including the devices I have used, the badges, my lifetime steps and miles logged. #fitbit
fitbit surge and fitbit Charge HR on back order. I got mine fast somewhere else. Plus fitbit is now a family affair.
A North Carolina Teen goes to a Target to buy a tie and gets much more than he expected.
Slow Church Ahead
Road Signs of the Bible: Slow Church Ahead. What does this sign have to do with the Bible. Find out here!
This is a blog review of 23 Blast and also includes a trailer. #23Blast
Today is day 28 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving. Today I am sharing I am thankful for the gifts from God.
I talk about saving the best for last. It might make you rethink about being picked last when you played sports.
Devotional book review for “31 Days with God for Fathers”.
Here is an encouraging word, that I just wrote about the both the Son and Sun shining bright. Check out what I had to say. #Son #Sun
If God’s Important to you, then why isn’t He in your profiles? Most of all of us are Online. We have Twitter, Facebook or if we are single, dating profiles. We all say He is first, but we don’t make mention of Him in our profiles. How can others tell He is first if we don’t make mention of Him there?
New Market Homeless Men Building a Homeless Shelter in New Market, TN. It soon will be a place to call home for them. Still need supplies & Help finishing it.
Road Side Mascots, Chick-fil-A cow, to Zaxby’s chicken, even Lady Liberty of Liberty Tax. Next time you pass a road side mascot, beep at them or stop and talk to them. Offer them some kind of encouragement. #encouragement.