Sweating Blood Prayer

Sweating Blood Prayer, an earnest prayer that Jesus prayed. When is last time you prayed like Jesus? I mean hard earnest prayer, a prayer where the blood sweat prayer. A hard deep prayer like Jesus did in the Mount of Olives before He was Crucified. He prayed so hard he sweated blood! Don’t just let Easter time remind you of this type of prayer, but let it be in your heart all the time. For this is a deep earnest burden type of prayer.

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Operation Christmas Child, spreading the gospel of Christ by giving children in other countries a shoebox full of goodies. Check out this list of ideas of what to stuff in a shoebox, plus things you cannot put in them. Learn more about OCC too. #OperationChristmasChild #ShoeBox #OCC #occshoeboxes

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Proverbs 17:22

Proverbs 17: Day 17 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Seventeen of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs17 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge

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Blessing Bags (Screenshot)

Blessing Bags – Fill a bag full of usable items and give them away to those in need like the homeless. Maybe a great way to share the love of of Christ instead of giving cash out to a stranger. #BlessingBags

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A Father's Glory by Skit Guys

A Father’s Glory … If all the bad ties in the world were laid end-to-end, we still wouldn’t be able to show how wide our love is for fathers. This Father’s Day, remind dads in your congregation that they are the glory of their children. (Skit Guys) #DadsAreAwesome #SkitGuys #FathersDay

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