Scripture references to God’s Grace from Confirmation/Church Membership; Christian Marriage; Ordination; Prayer; Forgiveness & Healing; Baptism and Communion.
Category: Emmaus

Means of Grace
This blog entry talks about the Means of Grace. It also uses the Wizard of Oz story as an example on the means of Grace.
We as Christians are to follow God’s Word. Read the Bible, Study the Bible all part of Following Jesus.
Jesus and the Holy Scriptures, shows where Jesus points back to the Old Testament. Jesus attest to the indissolubility of the Scriptures. Jesus confirms the Truth in every word. Jesus forecast and authorized the writing of the New Testament.
God’s Word: The content of the Bible is complete. Every word that is in the Bible is what God wanted in the Bible. Even warnings are given for those who add or take away from the Bible. Even the “Canon” of the Bible. How many books are there in the Bible?
The Complete Trustworthiness of the Bible. God reveals his truth in the Bible. God also cannot lie. The Word of God is perfect.
Talk about the Bible is the Word of God. The divine inspiration of the Bible.

Growth Through Study comes from studying the Bible and learning more about Jesus and God.

Life in Piety
A life in piety. A Talk from my walk to Emmaus. What is piety? How to foster a God-centered relationship. Characteristics of a God-Centered relationship. Fruits of a Life in Piety.
Justifying Grace another talk along the Walk to Emmaus.
Priesthood of all Believers, witnessing to others, spreading God’s word.