Shield of Faith. Having the shield of faith. You have Faith in God. You trust in God and He will take care of you. He will take away all fire and evil by having the shield of faith. Red Alert! Raise your shields. #bgbg2

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How much time do we give God? Most churches if you go both Sunday morning and evening as well as Wednesday Nights, usually amounts to 5 hours. Do you give Him at least that much per week or less? Maybe more?

You gotta read this blog post!

Battle scar on my fitbit Ultra. It took a battle with a washer and dryer and still works! (picture of battle scar and it lit of showing it works).

You gotta read this blog post!

The Journey – Deny Yourself and Take Up Your Cross. While on my way home I passed a young man carrying a cross. I stopped and got to talk to this young man, Junior Garcia. See my post about my experience when I meet him taking up his cross.

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Every day after your Walk to Emmaus is your fourth days. You are on your walk for three days. You take what you learned while you are on this walk and use it. These 4th Days can be applied to us Christians and used as well to help testify.

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This blog entry is about discipleship. I talk about being disciples and following God’s will. This blog entry is my notes from my Emmaus Walk, Talk #10 on Discipleship. This Talk was given by Ron Rader. Even John Henry Cardinal Newman has a good point of view on discipleship.

You gotta read this blog post!
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