God created cats on the 6th Day – On the 6th Day is when God created the hoomans and the land animals. He created the hoomans to have dominion over us animals. It is all recorded in the Bible. us animals know there is a God, but many hoomans don’t!
Category: Creation

There are three “T’s” of giving. There is the giving of Tithe, the giving of Time and the Giving of Talent. I share about each one of these three T’s.

Go and Sin No More Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery. This is a sign of repentance, a change in mind, a change in lifestyle. Meaning not to live in open sin or that lifestyle. For us to seek the things of God and not the things of the flesh.

Surprizamals Review. You never know what animal you will get inside the ball. That is one reason they are called Surprizamals. #Surprizamals

God Created Cats! So Thank God For Us Cats! Cats were created on the 6th day of creation.

Cat Tales Thursday. Tall tales told by a cat. Get it cat tales? A play on words. This weeks Cat Tales Thursday is about the creation story.

Relationships Acronym. This is an acrostic acronym for the word relationships. It is a Christian one too.

Hiking Safety – Hiking can be enjoyed even by novice outdoor enthusiasts, this rewarding activity also can be dangerous. Hikers often find themselves in remote locations where cellular phone signals tend to be weak, which can be troublesome, even when hiking in relatively crowded parks. That’s why it’s important to take the following precautionary measures when hiking. #Hiking #HikingSafety

Deniable Change Slow But Sure is this weeks Outdoor Truths by Gary Miller about the day that Jesus will return. Much like the skepticism of climate change, many people ignore these warnings and continue as if things will go on as it is forever. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Most Thankful People Ought To Be Those Who – Outdoor Truths
This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about the most Thankful People Ought To Be Those Who – Outdoor Truths. Many who study science are led to believe we have merely evolved from a lower form of life – that our life is of no more value than any other. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Bible Verses Against Evolution – I guess you can say, this came about when one of the youth in my church asked me for Bible verses to help. This youth is taking evolution in school. Most schools do not teach creation, but only teach evolution theory or even the big bang theory. #Evolution #BigBangTheory #YoungEarth #Creation

Atheist Delusion Movie Review & Full Movie – The movie destroys atheism with one scientific question. Find out why millions deny the obvious. #AtheistDelusion

The Organic Act of 1916 established the National Park Service within the Department of the Interior. The act stated: “The service thus established shall promote … #NationalParks #Hike100

Outdoor Truths – Freedom A Slave to Someone or Something
This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Freedom A Slave to Someone or Something. The ultimate freedom giver was God when he gave His Son Jesus to die for our sins. #OutdoorTruths #Freedom

Experience God’s Creation at the Creation Museum
Come experience God’s Creation at the Creation Museum located in Petersburg, KY near Cincinnati, OH. You can learn about the Bible and Science here too. (The 7 C’s in God’s Eternal Plan) #CreationMuseum

The Ark Encounter is a new attraction museum in Williamstown, KY. The theme of this attraction is Noah and the Ark. Come and experience what it might have been like on Noah’s Ark and questions and answers to Ark Encounter experience. #ArkEncounter

Tennessee State Parks will have Free Guided Hikes Statewide on Saturday, June 4 for American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day. A hike is a great way to see the beautiful creation of God. #findyourtrailTN #NationalTrailsDay

Which came first the chicken or the egg? The Bible is clear and tells us which came first. Find out the answer! #ccf #chicken #egg #bible

Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam has proclaimed April 9-17 as Tennessee State Natural Areas Spring Celebration Week. Guests are invited to attend any of the 30 naturalist-led activities of these ecologically significant areas.

This is the video of the very funny skit by the Skit Guys called Adam and Eve. The world’s oldest and most cherished love story just got a little bit awkward. See what happens when Tommy throws on a wig and offers Eddie an apple! #SkitGuys #YEC2016