Do You Believe

I share my review and thoughts about the new Christian movie, Do You Believe? If you were charged with being a Christian Would there be enough evidence to convict you? Do you really believe in the Cross of Jesus Christ? #DoYouBelieve

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Storms, they show the great power of our almighty God, but is He trying to get our attention? Are we still praising Him in the storm? #weather #tornadoes #Storms #thunderstorms #lightening

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Last Ounce of Courage: Stand up for your faith and protect your freedom! It’s Time to take a stand! If we all can unite and do what they done in this movie. Maybe can stop or slow down our Christian rights being taken away. #Courage #Freedom

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Folded Piece of Paper

A folded piece of paper, is exactly what this new woman at my church handed me. I do not know who she is, nor does she know who I am. But she gave me this folded piece of paper with two Bible verses on them. Read this blog post to find out what those verses were and what these verses mean to me and how they seem to relate to what is going on with me right now. #Bible #Ruth #Psalm

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Never leave your partner alone. A very moving movie about relationships. This is by the Kendrick Brothers. They also produced Courageous. This is a must watch. I know I cried as I watched this. I recommend this movie! I even read the Love Dare book that the movie talks about. #Fireproof

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I wanted to share a list of my favorite Christian songs. These are 10 of them. They are not listed in any particular order but they are my favorite. Check out this blog entry to see if your favorite Christian song made my list.

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The Journey – Deny Yourself and Take Up Your Cross. While on my way home I passed a young man carrying a cross. I stopped and got to talk to this young man, Junior Garcia. See my post about my experience when I meet him taking up his cross.

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A life in piety. A Talk from my walk to Emmaus. What is piety? How to foster a God-centered relationship. Characteristics of a God-Centered relationship. Fruits of a Life in Piety.

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I just got done reading the book The Resolution for Men by Stephen & Alex Kendrick (Kendrick Brother’s) and with Randy Alcorn. It was edited by Lawrence Kimbrough. I felt lead to share in my blog, my book review of this book.

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Resolution Army Cards

My Resolution Army printable sheet. The following is a list of the men I am locking shields with to help me fulfill this Resolution. I can call on them when I feel like I’m falling or failing, and they can call on me.

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steve's fitbit

I talk and review my thoughts about the fitbit Ultra Tracker pedometer. It is more then a pedometer. It can track steps, distance, calories burned, sleep and even stairs climbed. Find out my review by reading this blog entry.

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The Resolution - Steve Patterson's signed resolution on the wall with his family pictures.

I resolved to be a godly father! I took the Resolution, that is the pledge off of the movie Courageous. Do you resolve to be a godly father, to be the spiritual leader of your home that God designed us to be?

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