Resolve to Follow Christ Church Sign- Check out this Middlesboro, KY Church sing about resolving to follow Christ in 2018. (East Cumberland Avenue Baptist Church)
Category: Church

If Loving God Was A Crime, Church Sign. Check out the question this church sign says about loving God and if it was a crime, would you be in jail?

The Greatest Gift of All Was Delivered (Church Sign). This church sign talks about where the greatest give was delivered from and where it wasn’t not delivered from. One being a manager and the other a sleigh.

Do Not Pray For Life To Be Easy Church Sign. That is this weeks Church Sign Saturday. It also tells you what to do instead.

Bed of Roses Church Sign. Check out what this church sign says about a bed of roses and the thorns in this Church Sign Saturday blog post.

The Journey through Bethlehem is an inside Christmas Program for all ages depicting the life of Jesus Christ. You are able to get a look back in time of what really happened in Bethlehem. This is great for young children who have questions about Christmas. There are visual scripture aides and live animals.

God often uses the people around you to deliver an answer to your prayer – This weeks Church Sign Saturday talks about God using people around us to answer our prayer.

Give Satan An Inch Church Sign – Check out this church sign in Corbin, KY about giving Satan an inch and what he will become in this weeks Church Sign Saturday.

Worry Less Pray More on Church Sign Saturday – This church sign is a good reminder of praying instead of worrying. Riverside Baptist Church in Pineville, KY

Fall Into Church – Church Sign Saturday – This weeks Church Sign Saturday talks about falling into church and what God will do.

If the devil if offering you a treat … A church sign from First Baptist Church Bean Station. Find out what the rest of the church sign says. I am starting a new series called Church Sign Saturday. If the devil if offering you a treat This is the first edition of Church Sign Saturday. Each Saturday, I plan to try to share a church sign with my readers. This weeks Church Sign Saturday comes from First Baptist Church Bean Station. Bean Station is located in Grainger County of Tennessee.

October is Pastor Appreciation month. I would like to take this time to appreciate Pastor Justin Breeden. A Great friend and mentor in the Word of God. #PastorAppreciation #JustinBreeden

October is Pastor appreciation month. I would like to show the appreciation of a pastor at a church I use to be at, Bob Neal of Piedmont Baptist Church in Dandridge, TN. #BobNeal #PastorAppreciation

The church is called to go out not to sit and wait for them to come. That means we must put feet and get outside the four walls! We must witness to the lost and dying world.

Cleaning Old Gravestones. Some care must be taken when you go to clean old gravestones. You must also take in consideration the type of gravestone used too.

Tent Graves or Comb Graves. These are grave plots that have a triangle front and back with two stone slabs on the sides to make a triangle. Giving a tent like appearance. Some might know these as Triangle Celtic Graves. #TentGraves #CombGraves #TriangleGraves #TriangleCelticGraves

Get Right With God Stone Cross. You may have seen these stone crosses that says “Get Right With God” in Tazewell, TN or even Harroage, TN. So what is the deal with these stone crosses? Get Right With God Stone Cross You will find some of these crosses going up 25E in Tazewell and Harrogate. They are gray in color with black lettering. One thing you will notice is they all say “Get Right With God”. It sends us a good reminder that we will answer to God one day.

Gravestone Symbols – You see these symbols or icons on graves and ever wonder what they are? Here is a list of gravestone symbols and what they mean. #GravestoneSymbols

Take Jesus Back To School With You Church Sign. It’s that time again! Back to School! This church sign shows a good reminder to make sure to bring Jesus with you.

A Bad Attitude and a Flat Tire Church Sign. Find out how a bad attitude and a flat tire have in common in this church sign.