Illuminate Church Tempe Arizona

Illuminate Church Plant in Tempe, Arizona – Tempe, AZ is a very unchurched and dark city in Arizona. That is where Josh Morgan and his wife Caley come to serve and do this church start, church plant. I got to know Joshua at my job. Getting to talk to him about the Lord and Church planting and more. I can see his zeal to reach the lost. I hope you can come with me to pray for him, this church plant and the people of Tempe. #IlluminateChurch

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Be Sheep Not Goats

Be Sheep Not Goats! Jesus will separate the sheep and the goats on the final judgement. This is the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats where the Son of Man will judge the Nations. #Sheep #Goats #Quote

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Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief is 40 Years Old

Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief is 40 Years Old – The disaster relief for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board is celebrating its 40th anniversary. With a special celebration at the Mission Mobilization Center. Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief is 40 Years Old 2018 is a year for celebration! Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief is 40 years old and we are planning a celebration. We will be having a statewide get-together on Saturday, July 14, 2018 from 10 AM CST to 2 PM. It will take place at the Mission Mobilization Center in Mount

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Are You Praying for your Lost Sheep (Waldo) Immanuel Baptist Church Corbin KY

Are you praying for your Lost Sheep (Waldo) Are you praying for your Lost Sheep (Waldo) Immanuel Baptist Church in Corbin, KY Jesus is our Great Shepherd. He leaves the 99 to seek the lost. Did you get that? He seeks the lost. He seeks us! Not us seeking him. Per their Facebook: A Waldo is someone that you are close to that does not know Jesus. Your #WALDO is someone closest to you but furthest from God.  Waldo— the person God placed in your life who needs Jesus. Every

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