God is our Refuge & Strength in Trouble. I share a graphic I saw on Facebook and discuss God is our Refuge in this blog post.
Category: Church

Comfort Level Bracelets a bracelet idea by a Texas church to show your comfort level of social distancing.

Church Prayer of the Day – Today’s Prayer of the Day focuses on church’s everywhere. #Church #PrayeroftheDay

Some Assembly Required like instructions you put something together for something that you just purchased. The same applies to us gathering together.

Kentucky Governor Announces Requirements for Houses of Worship, Retail, Others to Reopen

The A-Z of Church – This is an alphabet list from A to Z about the Church. Taking one letter and sharing something about the church with that letter starting at A and going to Z. #Church

Tennessee Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Releases Guidance on Reopening Houses of Worship – If you have a church or place of worship in Tennessee here are some guidelines in order to reopen.

Jesus does not save halfway church sign is this week’s Church Sign Saturday feature. #ChurchSign

Essential Church Members – Today the word “essential” is important. In the church who is essential? #Essential #EssentialChurchMembers

How a sequester is affecting small groups – Being isolated, sequestered, quarantined, etc. can affect your small group. #SmallGroups

Online Communion – with churches not able to meet in person due to the COVID-19, some churches are getting creative and doing online communion. #OnlineCommunion

Church Bells Ringing at 10 am – That is what a lot of Kentucky churches are doing. I think it would be great if all churches did this during this pandemic. #ChurchBell #ChurchBells

How to attend Church Online – Here are six steps on attending your church online. #OnlineChurch

A Prayer for the Global Church – A prayer from YouVersion.

Drive-In Church – Due to restrictions of gatherings in public, some churches are doing online only or some are trying drive-in church

Church hurt is no reason to give up on God. There are still true brothers and sisters in Christ that will encourage you, tell you the truth (even if it hurts) and love you through anything.

Older people asked to stay away from their church to reach the younger generations, so they do not close down. #GoveUnitedMethodist

No Greater Love than one to lay down their life for another. Zaevion Dobson, Fulton High School Football player gave his life to save three others. There was also someone else who gave His life to save everyone. That was Jesus. Would you show great love by giving up your life for another? #ZaevionDobson #24Strong #FultonFalcons #FultonHIghSchool #NoGreaterLove #bgbg2 #ccf #JesusChrist #ZaevionDobsonDay

Essential Church Huntsville – this weeks Travel Thursday takes us to a church in Huntsville, AL. #EssentialChurch

Do you love carbs church sign is this weeks church sign from George Street United Methodist Church in Jefferson City, TN Do you love carbs? Jesus is the bread of life! photo credit Heather Patterson