God is our Refuge
Tennessee Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Releases Guidance on Reopening Houses of Worship - If you have a church or place of worship in Tennessee here are some guidelines in order to reopen.

Tennessee Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Releases Guidance on Reopening Houses of Worship – If you have a church or place of worship in Tennessee here are some guidelines in order to reopen.

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Zavion Dobson of Fulton High School Football #24

No Greater Love than one to lay down their life for another. Zaevion Dobson, Fulton High School Football player gave his life to save three others. There was also someone else who gave His life to save everyone. That was Jesus. Would you show great love by giving up your life for another? #ZaevionDobson #24Strong #FultonFalcons #FultonHIghSchool #NoGreaterLove #bgbg2 #ccf #JesusChrist #ZaevionDobsonDay

You gotta read this blog post!
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