Resurrection Roll

Resurrection Rolls – These are rolls that have basic ingredients and easy to make. Each item represents a part of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ including the finished product to look like the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. #ResurrectionRolls

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California to revise indoor church guidelines after Supreme Court ruling - Unlike Tennessee, where I live, we got to go back to indoor in-person worship a while ago, however, California, still had an in-person Worship Ban. However, that all will soon change. #California - Demonstrators holding signs demanding their church to reopen, protest during a rally to re-open California and against Stay-At-Home directives on May 1, 2020 in San Diego, California. - Rallies have been held at several state capitols across the country as protesters express their deep frustration with the stay-at-home orders that are meant to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus. (Photo by SANDY HUFFAKER/AFP via Getty Images)

California to revise indoor church guidelines after Supreme Court ruling – Unlike Tennessee, where I live, we got to go back to indoor in-person worship a while ago, however, California, still had an in-person Worship Ban. However, that all will soon change. #California

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FREE Children’s Church Videos for Churches to Use When Streaming Services - Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, churches started live streaming their services for adults. However, churches don’t have enough help to continue ministry to children.

FREE Children’s Church Videos for Churches to Use When Streaming Services – Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, churches started live streaming their services for adults. However, churches don’t have enough help to continue ministry to children.

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Steve's Eagle Scout Banquet

The Scout Law – A Christian Point of View – While I was in the scouts my post frequent position was Chaplain’s Aide. I was the one that prepared sermons when we went camping. We said a prayer at every meeting. Our troop always did the Lord’s Prayer together. I want to share with you the 12 points of the Scout Law and how each point can related to being a Christian. Even as Christians we can live by these 12 points of the Scout Law. It doesn’t matter if you are a Scout or not. #ScoutLaw #BoyScouts

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The Legend of the Poinsettia Printable

Do you know where the Poinsettia came from that we use for Christmas and in churches during Christmas? This may give you some insight on that. #Poinsettia #PoinsettiaLedgend #LedgendofthePoinsettia

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Bethlehemian Rhapsody Christmas (Bethlehem Rhapsody Christmas)

Bethlehemian Rhapsody – This is a Christmas Song done by puppets. They use the tune to “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen and made a Christmas Song out of it. (Bethlehem Rhapsody) #BethlehemianRhapsody #BethlehemRhapsody

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M&M Christmas Poem Jar

Check out this creative idea for Christmas using M&M’s, a jar, decoration and a simple Christmas Poem to make A M&M Christmas Poem Jar. Just move the M to make a M, W, 3 and E. #ChristmasPoem #ChristmasPoemJars

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Satan is most effective in the Church when he comes not as an open enemy, but as a false friend; not when he persecutes the Church, but when he joins it; not when he attacks the pulpit, but when he stands in it. John MacArthur #JohnMacArthur

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Church should be your excuse for missing everything else. Church should be your excuse for missing everything else. Church should be your excuse for missing everything else. Unknown I saw this image on Facebook, not sure who made it. It was on Cumberland Gap Baptist Association. I could not find who first quoted this. While looking I did find a similar quote from Dwight L Moody aka DL Moody …

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