This is the church sign for Miracle Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN. It says God Answers Knee Mail.
Category: Church

Arrowhead Church of God of Prophecy in Maryville, TN and their church sign that says changing calendar unchanging God. #Arrowhead

Merry Christmas! New Market Baptist Church Christmas sign. Find out what they say is the most important part of Christmas.

See what Wooddale Free Will Baptist Church and what their sign says “God Is Never In A Hurry, But God Is Never (click to view the rest of the message)

Gospel is a declaration not a debate – This is a church sign is from Wooddale Free Will Baptist Church in Strawberry Plains, TN.

This is a segment on the Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control. What is self-control. Where can self-control be found in the Bible? Why do we need self-control?
The Corrective Mirror of God’s Word a podcast from Justin Breeden. Scripture found in James 1:19-27. Imported from Music and a Message.

This is a scene from October Baby. A very moving Christian movie that I highly recommend you watch. Listen closely about to this. It tell us us we need to forgive or Christ won’t forgive us. It says it in the Bible.

Greenhill Baptist Church in Dandridge, TN their church sign read the next time the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future. Past and Future
Inspires me
Who inspires me, Steve Patterson. These people inspire me and why. Check out this blog entry.

Daily Family Devotion and Daily Family Devotion + 365 Daily Answers to What Would Jesus Do? WWJD? (book review).

Forecast God Reigns Son Shines church sign at New Market United Methodist Church in New Market, TN.

The Journey – Deny Yourself and Take Up Your Cross. While on my way home I passed a young man carrying a cross. I stopped and got to talk to this young man, Junior Garcia. See my post about my experience when I meet him taking up his cross.

New Market United Method Church Sign 06/26/2012 – Say Jesus Loud It Ticks The Devil Off (a picture of their sign)

In the Emmaus Community you go on 15 Walks, each walk is a different Talk in the Walk to Emmaus. This is for those who have been on the walk. #Emmaus
Every day after your Walk to Emmaus is your fourth days. You are on your walk for three days. You take what you learned while you are on this walk and use it. These 4th Days can be applied to us Christians and used as well to help testify.
Perseverance, what is it? What does the Bible say about it? What can you do to help you perserve? Some parables that relate to persevering. Accountability Groups.
The Body of Christ
The Body of Christ. When we are saved we are a new creation. We are also one in Christ (being in unity). We all come from God. We have Spiritual gifts and talents. We are to go make disciples. Preach to others. The church is …
Sanctifying Grace
Sanctifying Grace, What is it? We are cleansed. We are sanctified, we have life to the fullness, God is in us, our bodies are temples, we all are tempted but there is a way out, we are not to be troubled or afraid, the resurrection of Christ and the dead, being fruitful, sins of the flesh, fruits of the Spirit, not baring fruit, it is written, how to grow stronger, and successful life verses.
Changing our World is the 11th Talk I had on my Walk to Emmaus from the Great Smoky Mountain Emmaus Community. I was on Walk #32 in 1998. These are my notes on this talk.