This is the Official Music Video on YouTube for “Build Your Kingdom Here” by Rend Collective, A Christian Music Band. I like their panjo they play.
Category: Church

5 hours
How much time do we give God? Most churches if you go both Sunday morning and evening as well as Wednesday Nights, usually amounts to 5 hours. Do you give Him at least that much per week or less? Maybe more?

Do you own a business or a church and have a variety of tracts available for people to get as they either come to your church or business? Then, this might be the something to inquire about. A “Tract Rack”.

thelifebook: The Saturation Begins Handing Out The Life Book
The Saturation begins. the life book movement is starting here in Jefferson City, TN area. What is The Life Book? How can I do a saturation? #TheLifeBook

Swag Acronym – A Christian Acronym for the word Swag. #swag We always hear people say I got swag so what does it really mean?

Hope for Hurting Hearts Movie Review
Do you have a hurting heart that needs help? There is an answer! Do you think there is no end? Do you want to know how to find that? Check out this blog post on this film Hope for Hurting Hearts and see for yourself if you can find it too.

This blog post is about Church hopping, church shopping, church floating, however you want to call it. Check out this take of it. A couple of friends share their take as well.

Check out what First Baptist Church Strawberry Plains says about the Forecast.

I share with you about a ministry that is set up for Truckers. Those who are on the road and traveling the highways. In this write up about ministries I talk about Truckers Christian Chapel. I talk to you when did it set up. How do you join this ministry and I share about what this ministry is about. Even if you are not a trucker, it is good to learn about other ministries, you never know when you will run into someone who could benefit from that ministry.

Thank God For Fathers Church Sign Roaring Fork Baptist Church in Gatlinburg, TN (Check out my blog post for the rest of what the sign reads.)

Thrill Seekers – Colossal Coaster World – Piedmont Baptist Church – June 3-7, 2013 (Dandridge, TN)

This blog post I share some notes I took on worship, God and more.
Read what the First United Methodist Church of Dandridge, TN church sign read as I passed it. You are God’s Project and God Never Fails.

Jesus died for a reason – This church sign from Jefferson City Assembly of God tells you why Jesus died. Check out what it says.

We owed a debt we couldn’t pay, Jesus paid a debt he didn’t owe – New Market United Methodist Church Sign. (New Market, TN)

Check out what this Corbin, KY church, Lynn Camp Baptist Church – Sonrise a Gift from God. I share about this church sign too.

God wants full custody – Check out what this church sign says about weekend visitations and God. Found at Helton Springs Missionary Baptist Church

Prepare to Meet God a church sign, well lettering in this case, located in Tazewell, TN along 25E, Cumberland Gap Parkway.

Forgive our trash baskets and forgive those who put trash in our baskets. With this analogy we can call the trash sin, comes form the Lord’s Prayer.

Working on Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary
I am starting my Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary. Learn more about what I am studying and track my progress too. #theology