I do a review of WonderWorks, a museum type attraction that you can take the kids and whole family to. Find out my experience at WonderWorks. #WonderWorks
Category: Church

I take a poplar gospel tract or witnessing method and redesign it and get it professionally printed. The Are You A Good Person Test. #GoodPersonTest

Check out what this Loudon, TN church sign from Loudon United Methodist Church about God’s Time to Shine and about failing and shining. #ChurchSigns

Pastor, Bob Neal of Piedmont Baptist, was preaching he said a quote that stuck with me. Praise is Faith Turned Inside Out! #Faith #Praise

Check out what this Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church says freedom is not free and who paid the cost for that freedom. #churchsigns

Another great way to share a testimony is through cardboard testimonies. Our youth group recently got to do a cardboard testimony. I got to help do the cardboard testimony. Check out what mine said that day. #Coardboardtestimonies

A folded piece of paper, is exactly what this new woman at my church handed me. I do not know who she is, nor does she know who I am. But she gave me this folded piece of paper with two Bible verses on them. Read this blog post to find out what those verses were and what these verses mean to me and how they seem to relate to what is going on with me right now. #Bible #Ruth #Psalm

I discuss God’s Not Dead. I give my review, my take of this movie. If you have seen it or haven’t seen it you may want to see my thoughts about this movie. #GodsNotDead #GodsNotDeadMovie #GodsNotDead

Life Raging Church Sign at Jefferson City Assembly of God in Jefferson City, TN on my way to work and I had to share with you this church sign.

See what Emmanuel Baptist Church in Jefferson City, TN says about Daylight Savings time and what Jesus Changes. #EmmanuelBaptistChurch

This blog entry has the video to the official trailer for God’s Not Dead, a Christian movie.

In this blog post, I talk about my first experience at the Johnny Hunt’s Mens Conference at First Baptist Church of Woodstock.

2004 Dodge Stratus – A Blessing from God

Blessed & Stressed – I saw this sign on my way to work. This sign hit me good. Cause recently I have been both stressed & blessed. Jefferson City Assembly of God.

This looks like a yummy snack or even a great dinner. Easy Meatball Nachos. Looks very simple to make too. Enjoy!

Check out this blog entry of this church sign says about what to do when you don’t feeling like praying.

My first experience at Xtreme Winter in Gatlinburg, TN. An Xtreme experience with Christian Music and Christian speakers. Read my blog entry to find out how my experience went. #XtremeWinter

10,000 Reasons
What are you thankful for? Can you count them one by one? How about this, can you count 10,000 reasons?

Prayers for those involved in Front Street Baptist Church of Statesville, NC bus wreck in Jefferson City, TN on October 2, 2013.

Tract pack, a gospel backpack, or bag, sack to carry your gospel tracts, Bibles, Gospels, and/or Christian Books in while you go out witnessing and handing out tracts.