New Market Homeless Men Building a Homeless Shelter in New Market, TN. It soon will be a place to call home for them. Still need supplies & Help finishing it.
Category: Church

Vacation from church: When you go on vacation from work and get away, do you take a vacation from church too? Do you find a church while on vacation?

Are you a back row baptist? Do you sit in the back of the church? Do you sit in the same pew each service? I wrote this to give you some food for thought.

Muppets Choir video shared on my blog. Listen as the sing a gospel song, Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus. This is a must watch and listen! #Muppets #Jesus

No Bake Cookies: An Easy to follow recipe, this recipe my daughter loves to make. #NoBakeCookies #Recipe

Hen Wallow Falls, part of the Gabes Mountain Trail in Cobsy, TN. A great place to share a Bible story or a Psalm with your youth group or family. #HenWallowFalls

The Aquarium, a great place to share about God’s Creation. I review TN Aquarium in Chattanooga and the Aquarium of the Smokies in Gatlinburg. #Aquarium

Biblical Times Dinner Theater Review
I do a review of Biblical Times Dinner in Pigeon Forge. Is the show good? How’s the food? I share my thoughts on this attraction. #Bible #PigeonForge #Dinner

I talk about a place to take your youth, family, friends, etc. The Virginia Creeper Trail. You can ride down this trail on a bike! #VACreeperTrail

I blog about “Remove Your Lids”. Removing your lid shows respect. When should we remove our lids? What is a lid? Find out in this blog entry. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Agency D3, is a totally new vacation bible school (VBS) experience: discover, decide, & defend the truth about who Jesus at Piedmont Baptist Church. #apologetics #VBS #AgencyD3

Premarital Biblical Counseling
Premarital Biblical Counseling, a must before you think about tying the knot, about get married.

A church sign that talks about God is good. This church sign reminded me of the God’s Not Dead Movie. #churchsign #GodsNotDeadMovie

Sinking Souls – Titanic Museum Review
Learning how many people died in the sinking of the Titanic made me wonder about the sinking souls aboard. Were there heroes telling people how to believe on Jesus aboard the Titanic? Is there any Christian aspects? Will the Titanic Museum share this information? Find out in this review. #Titanic #TitanicMuseum #Titanic104

Check out what this Loudon United Methodist Church says on their church sign about spring has sprung. It ask a question about something blossoming. #ChurchSign

Finding Favour live in concert at the 2014 Unity Festival in White Pine, TN. Presented by Tree Ministry. Free event with food, games & fellowship, Plus the Muscle Car Ministry! #UnityFestival #FindingFavour

The Saint John’s Bible Exhibit
This blog post is about The Saint John’s Bible. I visited an exhibit with the Saint John’s Bible on display. I talk about this Bible in this blog post. #SaintJohnsBible #Bible

Heaven is For Real Movie Review
This blog entry contains the review of the movie, Heaven is for Real. Is Colton’s vision of heaven what heaven truly is like or is it just that a vision? #HeavenIsForRealMovie #HeavenIsForReal #Heaven

It’s My Pleasure, to share this blog entry about Chick-fil-A, a Christian-based business that is closed on Sunday. #ChickfilA

feeding and starving – Check out what Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church says what you need to feed and what you should starve to death. #ChurchSigns