A Church sign that talks about investing in external dividends. Check out what this church sign says.
Category: Church

This is a music video for LeCrae entitled “Church Clothes”.

This is a recording of Third Day with Colton Dixon on the song “God of Wonders. It was performed in Louisville on May 10, 2013.

Find out what two recent church signs I passed said that made me shake my head. #churchsigns

Bibles are being removed from a hotel chain. Find out which ones and where! #Bible

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 4 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 3 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

Block Party at Piedmont Baptist Church in Dandridge, TN! Free cotton candy, popcorn, snow cones, & hot dogs and inflatables! #BlockParty

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 2 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 1 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

It is time to go back to school. My daughter started school today. It is hard to believe she is in the grade she is in. Kids grow up fast.

Read what this Alpha Baptist church sign says about Jesus First. #ChurchSigns

Home Run Movie Review
Home Run, A Christian faith-based film. This film is about addiction and overcoming it. This film also talks about Celebrate Recovery. I briefly talk about this film and review it. #HomeRun

Death happens
Death happens it is part of life. Why must we die? What happens when we die? I write a blog post about death and it being a part of life.

Find out what looking up to Jesus will prevent.

I review Kentucky Splash Water Park in Williamsburg, KY. Is it family friend? Maybe Christian oriented? #WaterPark #KentuckySplash #Kentucky #Williamsburg

Arrested for going to Church: Would you go to church knowing if you arrived you would be arrested on the spot?

Freedom is not free, this church sign is a reminder that freedom is not free. There is always a cost to freedom. #Freedom

Blessed is the Nation, this church sign in Alpha, TN area comes from Psalms. Check out that it says about Blessed is the Nation. #ChurchSigns

July 3, 2014 marks my 20th year of being an Eagle Scout. I talk about being an Eagle Scout. #Eagle #EagleScout #BoyScouts #BSA