In a previous post I share with you the line up, in this post I share they have given the tour dates of the 2015 East Coast Winter Jam.
Category: Church

Check out what this church sign says about finding your name on a Coke Bottle.

Tim Hawkins, Christian Comedian, shares ways people raise their hands in church in a funny way. Do you go to a hand raising church?

Today is day 18 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for the Pocket Testament League.

Today is day 17 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for Bezeugen Tract Club.

The Christian Church is for worshiping the one true God of the Bible, not for Muslims to have their prayer and cover up God’s Crosses and any Christian symbols.

Today is day 16 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for friends.

Today is day 15 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for family, both blood family and even the Family of God, the church family.

Today is day 14 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for Christian Movies and Faith-based movies.

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 13
Today is day 13 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for Christian Music to listen to.

Today is day 12 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for the car that I have to drive. It is a blessing from God.

Today is day 11 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for food. Both physical food and spiritual food.

It’s Not About You, Mr. Santa Claus – This is a book review of a child’s Christian book that was just released in 2014 about the true meaning of Christmas. #christmas

Today is day 8 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I want to share that I am thankful for my pastor, Bob Neal. #thanksgiving

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 6 – I am thankful and blessed working with the youth at my church and even the little children on the van ministry too. It is such a blessing. Working with the youth has been great and I know that is my calling and where God is leading me and wants me to do. I have felt led to work with the youth even at a young age, before I got majorly back slidden. Teaching and going on activities with the youth is amazing. You actually learn from them.

A loving, caring and family friendly church. A Church where you feel welcome and free to worship God. A Church where the full Bible is preached and taught.

What if it was illegal to go to church or witness? Worship Jesus Christ? Would you be bold and still do it facing jail, lose of job, schooling, or even death?

I got to go do a blog review and also be with my youth at The Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch at Oakes Farm this past Saturday, October 18, 2014. I have been to a few corn mazes, last year, I believe was my first time going to a corn maze. From the corn mazes that I have been to, I think this is the biggest one! If I am not mistaking this may be the biggest corn maze in the East Tennessee area. They have all kinds of activities,

The Stand in the Gap Coalition (SIGCO) is planning a unique and massive prayer walk inviting East Tennessee to Stand At The Cross., the prayer walk will make their way to one of Jim Potters 100 foot crosses which welcomes travelers to Tennessee.

I share a tip on how to Prevent Food From Getting Soggy In a Cooler, for when you go on that next trip with the youth, church or family and you have food and a cooler.