I talk about the True Love Waits, abstinence purity covenant that you make before God. I talk about what True Love Waits, why do it. I talk about adultery. I even mention that I am committed myself to True Love Waits and I am 39 years old. I also challenge others to commit too.
Category: Church

A question was asked to Billy Graham on offering encouragement for being a single parent. This is the question and Billy’s reply.

Recipe on how to make Red Velvet Oreo Balls. #oreoballs #RedVelvet You can use this recipe to make any flavor Oreo Balls.

I talk about Community Gardens and a way to give back to the community to share God’s Love.

Is your prayer life, walk with Christ, reading the Bible, etc. like a steering wheel or a spare tire?

Proofs in the Pudding
Proofs in the Pudding: A Christian should show fruit that they are a Christian.

Keep your eyes on the road, an interesting video about keeping your eyes on the road. Watch this video! This can be used to show you to keep your eyes on Jesus. Plus check out this church sign about Texting and Driving. #StopTheText #Texting #Txt #Txting

I share about my third experience with Winter Jam. #WinterJam

Sunday Morning. Does this video seem familiar on Sunday Mornings getting ready with the family and the kids. I am sure most families can relate. #SundayMorning #Sunday

I talk about taking the back roads, I then share how the road to Jesus is a straight and narrow road, unlike the back roads we take to get to our destinations on earth.

Check out this church sign from Alpha Baptist Church that tells you what Looks Behind Ahead and Up and about Sorrow, Worry and Faith.

No Standing
I take the No Standing Road Sign and talk about it in this episode of Road Signs of the Bible and share how No Standing means in the Bible.

A Double Scouting Holiday. February 8, 2015. Scout Sunday & Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America.

Will The Road You’re On – Check out this church sign in Talbott, TN. This church sign goes with the series I am doing Road Signs of the Bible. Check it out!

Slow Church Ahead
Road Signs of the Bible: Slow Church Ahead. What does this sign have to do with the Bible. Find out here!

“Taste the Farm Fresh Difference” Martin Farm Beef sells fresh USDA beef and pork right here in the Piedmont area of Dandridge, TN of Jefferson County Tennessee.

I blogged about my second experience to Xtreme Winter in Gatlinburg, TN. Read about my experience here. #XtremeWinter

Check out that this sign says about PBJ Sandwiches.PBJ (Peanut Butter & Jelly) … It’s more than just a sandwich! It’s People Being Jesus.

Check out this moving picture of a dog in the Manager with baby Jesus. The breed of the dog is a Shepherd.

This is a church sign from Piedmont Baptist in Dandridge, TN. It is a fitting church sign for Thanksgiving. Check it out!