Check out what Emmanuel Baptist Church in Jefferson City, TN says about Jesus and Heavy Lifting. #ChurchSign
Category: Church

This is the 2 inch hole punch I got to punch out 2 inch circles of Courageous Christian Father logos and use them to hand out to people about the blog.

Uncommon (Movie Review & Trailer)
Movie review & trailer to “Uncommon” “Find your voice” & educate students, teachers, & parents about the fact that students do NOT lose their free speech & freedom of religion when they enter the schoolhouse #Uncommon

In this blog post, I share about making your own homemade door hanger like I did for Courageous Christian Father and my church. #DoorHanger

This is a comedy skit by Dr. Dennis Swanberg. This is called Bubba’s Zipper. Bengy and his wife Connie. They are in the ministry. Listen to this skit. It is very funny and the point is don’t take yourself too seriously. #BubbaZipper #DennisSwanberg

Benefit concert for MATS, a ministry to help the homeless, will feature Jeremy Camp, live in concert in Morristown, TN. #MATS #JeremyCamp

I share about a local Ministry, MATS. Ministerial Association Temporary Shelter (MATS) who bring hope for the homeless. #MATS

Coventant Bikers for Christ is sponsoring Ride to Recovery. This is a benefit for D.A.S.H. Ministry & Tri-Cities Recovery. Both ministries reach the drug and alcohol addicted.

Churches are flying the Christian Flag above the American Flag to show the church is accountable To God before Government. #GodBeforeGovernment #ChristianFlag #AmericanFlag

D-A-S-H Ministry: Drugs, Alcohol, Set free Heaven bound Ministry. We are a detox ministry that tells people that only Jesus can break the chains of addiction. #Dash

Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Bold about your Witness!
Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Bold about your Witness! Take some courage and not be the silent disciple, speak up and share your faith. That that bright light in the dark world.

Man can pass a law saying it’s legal for same-sex marriage, but God’s law trumps all laws. We answer to God on judgement day. Woe is a Nation who turns away from God. Plus trailer to Audacity. #Marriage

A Mirror shows us what is wrong, just like our spiritual mirror does the same thing.

Heart Wrenching Forgiveness Video
A moving forgiveness moment of a family of one of the victims from Emanuel AME Church shooting in Charleston, SC, to gunman Dylann Roof. #forgiveness #charlestonshooting

Gospel Song “Watch and Pray” by The Carolina Boys Quartet. I believe this is a very good and catchy gospel song. #CarolinaBoys

Check out this quote from Greg Laurie on marriage of a husband and wife about submission and sacrifice. Plus, I discuss this graphic too.

If you go witnessing you should check out what this New Market, TN church sign says about what witnessing includes. #churchsign #witnessing

I review a family friend attraction to take your family or youth or church group to: The Coaster at Goats on the Roof in Pigeon Forge, TN. An Alpine Roller Coaster.

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park was established June 15, 1934. I talk about going hiking or camping and and explorer God’s Creation. Plus, June 15 is National Nature Photography Day. A great day to spend time with what God Created.

A movie review along with the trailer to “The Father’s Love”. #TheFathersLove