This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about disappointments. #OutdoorTruths
Category: Church

The Tennessee State Parks will kick off 2016 with free Guided First Hikes. What a great way to see the beautiful creation of nature.

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about about the trophy in deer hunting and using it to relate to spiritual legacy. #OutdoorTruths

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about fear. We all have some kind of fear, fear of bears, poisonous snakes, etc. Do we often run from these fears? Maybe fear that God told us to do something and we fear that. #OutdoorTruths

Outdoor Truths
This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about the whole Christmas story is one of giving. It is God giving the world His Son. #OutdoorTruths

This is a music video with Ramona singing, “Mary Did You Know?”. This video is from Christmas Eve 2009 at Kure Beach First Baptist Church in Kure Beach, NC.

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Many outdoorsmen have replaced a weekly gathering of believers with this time outside. They are right in their ability to worship God in nature but they have missed the point of gathering together with others. #OutdoorTruths

Wooddale Free Will Baptist Church – Church Sign – Thanks to Jesus for Giving His All!

Here’s Hope Bicycle Mission an outreach ministry to help children who cannot afford a bicycle to be able to have a bicycle plus ways you can help.

This church sign is from Wooddale Free Will Baptist Church in East Knoxville (Strawberry Plains). See why it says to always Thank God.

Miracle Baptist Church Church Sign from December 4, 2015. “If you only sample the Bible you will never acquire a taste for it.”

My nasal surgery went well from Friday, November 20, 2015. I am in Post Op right now. I wanted to share an update with everyone. The staff was very friendly and helpful at Lakeway Regional in Morristown. I remember being in the hall way waiting for a room to have the surgery, every staff member checked on me and make sure that I was warm. (The Search for Medical Answers My previous post about the surgery) The admitting diagnosis is hypertrophy nasal turbinates in deviated septum. The operative consent form

Tennessee State Parks will offer free, guided hikes, Friday, November 27, the day after Thanksgiving. #TNgobblewobble #OptOutside

Courageous Christian Father has been the sponsor of the Living by Faith page printed in the Smoky Mountain Trader & Tri-State Connection for one year now. #LivingbyFaith

It is interesting to see how much is said about taking Merry Christmas off a coffee cup but lack of standing up for abortion and traditional marriage.

Check out what this church sign says about the one road that leads to heaven. (Part of the Road Signs of the Bible Series)

This is my unbiased review of The Comedy Barn in Pigeon Forge, TN, a place for the family with Good Clean Humor. #ComedyBarn #PigeonForge

Strawberries good for the heart and may help diabetes, tips to enjoy strawberries, keeping strawberries, and 12 reasons to enjoy strawberries. #strawberries

Check out what this church sign says about the fruits of sin and being in the devils orchard. #churchsigns

Everyday Life in Prayer
Everyday Life in Prayer: Prayer is the answer. For all things we are to be in prayer. #prayer