The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden - Gospel Compromise

The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden, unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed, this week is Contend Earnestly For the Faith. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW

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Barbara's First presentation of IMVO Bags of Love

IMVO (It’s My Very Own) Bags of Love, is a faith-based non-profit organization. IMVO works along with the child protective services and they help give a bag of love with stuff for the children that get removed from where there parents were manufacturing drugs in the home. #IMVO #BagsofLove

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Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about when adversity comes in our life we tend to move closer to God. We need Him then. When things are good we usually pull away. #OutdoorTruths

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Shai Linne Lyrical Theology Part 1 - Regeneration

Cosmic Powers by Shai Linne w/lyrics. The Devil’s lurking and he’s prowling in the night, Seeking whom he may devour on sight, He’s subtle and he’s clever, full of malice and spite … #ShaiLinne #CosmicPowers

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Praying Hands - Missionaries

The Stand in the Gap Coalition – SIGCO Pray 2016 – Does that mean God is not hearing or answering the prayers of his followers? We learn in God’s Word that He does not always deliver his people (who are obedient) out of bad situations.

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Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about older Christians have seemed to decide to retire from some parts of their Christian life but the reason God leaves a Christian on earth does not change with age.

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Strength to Stand - Don't Look Back - #stsdontlookback

I blog about my first Strength to Stand Experience, which is similar to Xtreme Winter but different. Find out what I had to say about this conference. #STSDontLookBack #StrengthtoStand #XtremeWinter

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