Are you missing out on fellowship? Fellowship is the assembly of fellow believers. The Bible tells us to not neglect assembly with fellow believers. #fellowship
Category: Church

The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden, unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed, this week is on church discipline. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW #ChurchDiscipline

Haitians Still Get Their Praise On At Church Sunday. They didn’t let the Hurricane Matthew stop them by going to the building site of where their church walls use to stand. The Haitians got their praise on by worshiping, praying and singing. #Matthew #Haiti #HurricaneMatthew

Is the Skull of Hurricane Matthew Hoax, off an image that has gained popularity as it hit Haiti early October 4, 2016 morning. Many weather forecasters including a Knoxville weather forecaster is claiming this image is unaltered. #Matthew #HurricaneMatthew #HurricaneMatthewSkull #SkullofHurricaneMatthew #MatthewHiati

My favorite memories from youth retreats – One of these retreats was to Centrifuge and the other was to the Youth Evangelism Conference. Plus now as an adult leader too.

God has allowed me to completed The Adrian Rogers Pastor Training Institute on What Every Pastor Ought to Know. Check out my take and the course outline. #AdrianRogers #PastorTrainingInstitute #Pastor

The Shepherds Rod or the Kings Scepter or Both? or None? Find out about the Shepherds Rod and also the Kings Scepter in this blog post. #ShepherdsRod #KingsScepter

Strawberry Banana Muffins Recipe this is something I just whipped up myself. I made these for our youth trip that we are going on. I tried one and thought they are yummy! #Recipe #Muffins #Strawberries #Bananas

Church Discipline by Stephen the Levite Music Video and Lyrics – If a brother or sister offends you talk to ’em if the issue is in scripture then walk through ’em if they still ain’t listenin’ bring witnesses prayin’ the evidence of the 2 or 3 is convincing, if it still doesn’t work, take it to the church the Lord’s official spiritual judicial system on earth. #ChurchDiscipline #StephentheLevite

This is an unofficial music video for the song C-h-r-i-s-t by Shai Linne, Christian Rapper. Christ created all things, right? (Yeah!) Lord of Lords, King … #ShaiLinne

How social media can help your Ministry – Christian Ministries know how important it is to reach others for Christ via their ministry. The Internet has made it easier than ever before for Christian Ministries to do just that, but the days of relying on a Web site alone have largely fallen by the wayside. #SocialMedia

Experience God’s Creation at the Creation Museum
Come experience God’s Creation at the Creation Museum located in Petersburg, KY near Cincinnati, OH. You can learn about the Bible and Science here too. (The 7 C’s in God’s Eternal Plan) #CreationMuseum

State Parks to Host Student Volunteers on TN Promise Saturday. College students this is a great time to get your volunteer hours needed to keep your scholarship! #TNPromise #TennesseePromise #TNStateParks

Check out this PlaidDadBlog Idea for a great family DIY Drive-In Movie Night idea. A great way to get the children involved in that special event and you can get creative too!

The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden, unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed, this week is about Gospel Compromise. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW

Check this side of the Talbott Baptist Church sign in Talbott, TN that shares about life being fragile and what to handle it with.

Heaven … Don’t Miss it for the World – A Church sign I saw driving around. This is from Talbott Baptist Church in Talbott, TN. #Heaven

This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about the tug. Most of the time, we live our lives according to what we see. And we react accordingly. God gives us a tug too. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Come join us at Piedmont Baptist Church for Vacation Bible School June 5-10, 2016. Let’s dive deep into the Word of God and get submerged in the Living Water as we find truth below the surface. #Submerged #VacationBibleSchool #VBS

Tennessee State Parks will have Free Guided Hikes Statewide on Saturday, June 4 for American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day. A hike is a great way to see the beautiful creation of God. #findyourtrailTN #NationalTrailsDay