The official mime video for Man vs God along with a transcript of the video. A poem is by Ryan and Tilmon #ManvsGod (God Vs Man) #GodVsMan
Category: Church

God didn’t call us to go camping- This is a church about camping and fishing. This is a great sign for everyone even if you aren’t a camper or fisher. #Camping #Fishing

Tim Hawkins does a funny parody skit on Worship Music, What if Led Zeppelin Led Your Music Worship.

No Time to Pray Makes you Easy Prey Church Sign. I saw this sign July 21, 2017 while out and about with my boss. I took a picture while we were stopped at the red light. This church sign talks about pray and prey. This church sign talks about pray and prey. Not having time to pray causing you to be easy prey.

Relationships Acronym. This is an acrostic acronym for the word relationships. It is a Christian one too.

devil is knocking on your front door … Check out what this church sign says about the devil knocking on your door. #ChurchSigns

Everyone thinks they are a graphic designer. They will send you designs and wonder why it didn’t print right. The same can go that everyone says they are a Christian. One day they will wonder why they heard, “Depart me I never knew you!”.

Pastors Away: You ever hear the saying when BLANK is away the mice will play. We can say BLANK = Pastor, Boss, Parent, Teacher, etc. I talk about when the pastor is away the mice will play.

Expository Preaching by Shai Linne with Lryics. He gave pastors the call to ministry found in 2 Timothy 4:1-2 #ExpositoryPreaching #ShaiLinne

Grotto Falls – I share about my experience with this hike and tid-bits about this hike too. Part of the Smoky Mountains. #GrottoFalls #Hiking

911 Babies – a website that is taking a stand against abortion and allowing women to know they have a choice. #911Babies #Abortion #Babies #ProLife

Check out this inspiring young boy journey at handing out gospel tracts. Not to mention, it was a rainy day as this young boy handed them out. That tract you hand out just may save someone who is lost. #GospelTracts #Rain

Abortion is only permitted by the silence of the church – Eddie DeHart of here. Sick and tired of people being not willing to take the blame for abortion especially church leaders. Silence is the language of apathy! Is anyone to blame that millions of infants each year, for example, are killed before they can gasp their first breath of fresh air? #911Babies #Abortion

Interior Landscape Artificial Floral Arrangement Review – review of an artificial sunflower floral arrangement for interior landscaping purposes from Plantscape Inc. #InteriorLandscaping

Leadership by Flame – We have Elders, we have Deacon & congregational leadership. Jesus is the head of the whole thing! The Church: Called and Collected”. This song is a Lampmode recording. #Flame #Leadership #Lampmode

The Calendar Changes God Never Does – Cheerful Hope Baptist Church Sign from Delco, North Carolina. A great reminder to us God never changes.

Membership by Stephen the Levite, music video & lryics. This song is from the the album The Church Called & Collected. #Membership #StephentheLevite #ChurchMembership

Conversion by Trip Lee
This is a music video for Conversion by Trip Lee. Trip Lee is part of Lampmode and this song is on the album The Church Called & Collected. #TripLee #Conversion

See what this church signs reads about Doesn’t Mean There Won’t Be A Judgement Church Sign from Jefferson City Church of Christ in Jefferson City, TN.

Make America Great Church Sign from Alpha Baptist Church in Alpha, TN this church signs talks about making American great again and how we can do that.