Bible / Christmas / Christmas Movies / God / Heaven / Holidays / Jesus Christ / Reindeer / Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer / Sin

Be Like Rudolph … Let Your Light Shine!

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We must be like Rudolph and shine our light before others. Remember the light of Christ shines the brightest in the darkest areas. #Rudolph

Christmas / Santa Claus

The man behind the beard, St. Nicholas

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Before the modern Santa Claus lived a very real and generous individual named Nicholas.The man behind the beard, St. Nicholas – Every Christmas Eve, children go to bed eagerly anticipating a visit from Santa Claus. This merry gentleman is purported to visit the home of every good girl and boy, delivering gifts and cheer along the way. Who exactly is this man behind the beard? #Christmas #SantaClaus #StNicholas

Christmas / Reindeer / Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer / Santa Claus

Santa’s Reindeer are Female!

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Santa’s Reindeer are female- Did you know that Santa’s reindeer are female? Here is a fact about antlers and who has them or not as a reindeer. Also included are some facts about this animal that adapts to snow well. Besides, Only women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost!” #Reindeer #Christmas

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