Cross Tree – Instead of a Christmas Tree people are putting up a Cross Tree for Christmas and also putting it up for Easter. #CrossTree #ChristmasTree
Category: Christmas
National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day – when do you take town that Chrstimas Tree? Did you know there is a national day for taking the Christmas Tree Down? #ChristmasTree
We had a White Christmas in East Tennessee
Orthodox Christmas Day – This is generally many Orthodox faiths celebrate the birth of Jesus. This day is similar to Christmas but also different. #OrthodoxChristmas #OrthodoxChristmasDay #OldChristmasDay
Think Green (Reuse or Recycle) Those Christmas Cards that you get. Don’t just toss them in the garbage. Bring new life to these Christmas Cards. (Greeting Cards)
What is Kwanzaa and when is Kwanzaa celebrated? Did you know that many Christians celebrate both Kwanzaa and also celebrates Christmas as well. #Kwanzaa
Do you know where the Poinsettia came from that we use for Christmas and in churches during Christmas? This may give you some insight on that. #Poinsettia #PoinsettiaLedgend #LedgendofthePoinsettia
No “L” Day – An Alphabet Day where there are no “L’s”. It also uses a play on words for a work for Christmas. #NoLDay #NoelDay
Figgy Pudding – What exactly is that. This pudding is mentioned in the Christmas Song, We wish you a Merry Christmas. #FiggyPudding
Nochebuena – A Spanish word often used for The Good Night or even Christmas Eve. The biggest Christmas Fete (Festival) in Latino Heritage. #Nochebuena
Twas the Night Before Jesus Came – Below is a good poem I heard my mom talking about, so I looked it up and wanted to share it with my readers. One thing is clear, Christ is coming and He is coming soon! Are you ready? Plus a free printable.
Twas The Night Before Christmas Poem For Pets – A version of the poem for pets “‘Twas The Night Before Christmas”. Plus Some Christmas time tips for the pets.
Christmas Movie Quotes – In this blog post I share some popular and famous quotes from Christmas Movies. #ChristmasMovies
National Eggnog Day – Yes, there is a day for those of us who enjoy this holiday drink called Eggnog. #NationalEggNogDay #Eggnog #EggnogDay
The Christmas Star Will Be Visible in the Sky – In 2020, we may be able to see the Christmas Star in the sky. It hasn’t been visible in 800 years. #ChristmasStar
Pumpkin Pie Day – a foodie day set a that delicious fall dessert. Grab you a slice of Pumpkin Pie and top it with some whipped topping. #PumpkinPieDay
Christmas Carol Spotlight: I Heard Bells on Christmas Day – I share the story about this popular Christmas Carol with some good history to it.
Christmas songs with storied pasts – Christmas songs remain near and dear to people’s hearts, and a few of these beloved songs have interesting back stories. Plus, check out this list of the 10 most downloaded Christmas songs …
Jesus is the Reason for the Season – During the Christmas Season we hear this quoted a lot. But, what does it truly mean?
National Re-Gifting Day – Most people re-gift new and unopened unwanted gifts they have received. This day is for you to re-gift that unwanted gift. #ReGiftingDay