Find out when and what was given on the eighth day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #EighthDayofChristmas #12DaysofChristmas #Christmas #NewYearsDay
Category: Christmas

Find out when and what was given on the seventh day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #SeventhDayofChristmas #12DaysofChristmas #Christmas

Find out when and what was given on the sixth day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #SixthdayofChristmas #12DaysofChristmas #Christmas

Find out when and what was given on the fifth day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #FifthDayofChristmas #Christmas #12DaysofChristmas

Find out when and what was given on the fourth day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #FourthDayofChristmas #12DaysofChristmas #Christmas

It is soon the start of a brand new year. We always tend to make New Years Resolutions to stop doing something or to start doing something. Some people want to stop smoking, go on a diet, exercise more etc. These are all good, but do we think about the spiritual type of Christian New Year’s Resolutions? What is your New Years Resolution? #NewYearsResolutions

Find out when and what was given on the third day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #ThirdDayofChristmas #Christmas #12DaysofChristmas

It’s not about the toy, it’s about the boy – Jesus is the reason for the season and all seasons.

If you are like me, you had no clue what Boxing Day is on the calendar, I thought maybe the fighting sport, but I was wrong. Find out what and when it is. Also find out what day of the week this holiday cannot be celebrated on too. #BoxingDay

Find out when and what was given on the second day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #Chrismtas #SecondDayChristmas #2ndDayChristmas #12DaysChristmas

The Ghost of Christmas Future – In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens the character, Scrooge was visited by three Christmas ghost. The Past, Present and Future. (Known as The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come)

The Ghost of Christmas Present – In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens the character, Scrooge was visited by three Christmas ghost. The Past, Present and Future.

Find out when and what was given on the first day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #Christmas #1stDayChristmas #12DaysChristmas

The Ghost of Christmas Past – In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens the character, Scrooge was visited by three Christmas ghost. The Past, Present and Future.

Born to Die – Reflecting on John MacArthur’s Insight into Christ’s Sacrifice that stands as a testament to divine love and redemption. John MacArthur’s poignant reflection on the purpose behind Christ’s birth and eventual crucifixion unveils a depth of understanding that resonates with believers worldwide. Born to Die “Those soft baby hands fashioned by the Holy Spirit in Mary’s womb were made to have two great nails hammered through them. Those little chubby feet were to walk up a hill and be nailed to a cross. That sacred head was

The Tradition of the Christmas Pickle – This blog post discusses the Christmas Pickle plus I share with you a FREE Printable Version. #ChristmasPickle

A Timeless Tradition: The Night Before Christmas Turns 200 – Two centuries ago, on a magical Christmas Eve in 1823, a beloved holiday tradition was born with the publication of Clement Clarke Moore’s timeless poem, “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” better known as “The Night Before Christmas.” As we celebrate its 200th anniversary, let’s take a journey back in time to explore the origins, impact, and enduring charm of this iconic Christmas tale.

Christmas Symbols – This is a list of Christmas Symbols that we know of and see around Christmas Time. #ChristmasSymbols

Saint Knut’s Day Marks the End of Yuletide Festivities 1 As the twinkling lights fade and the aroma of gingerbread begins to wane, a unique Scandinavian tradition steps into the spotlight, bidding farewell to the holiday season. Saint Knut’s Day, observed on January 13th in Sweden and Finland, symbolizes the conclusion of Christmas celebrations. Let’s delve into the charm and customs surrounding this special day. #KnutsDay

The Bible says that with Christ we are a new creation, a total change, Scrooge, is a great example of a new creation. The old is gone and the new is here. People will notice this change too. #Scrooge #Christmas #NewCreation