Lightning I believe is God’s Fireworks. It is unique and powerful.
I even share a couple of Bible verses about Lightning too. #lightning

Lightning I believe is God’s Fireworks. It is unique and powerful.
I even share a couple of Bible verses about Lightning too. #lightning
3 year old sings to Plumb – as she sings her heart out to Plumb’s song “Need You Now” You got to watch her! #Plumb #NeedYouNow
Righteous Rock Radio a Christian Ministry for Christian Rock Music. They help with concerts and other you can even listen to them online! #ChristianMusic
A good father is the most unsung, upraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society. Quote from Billy Graham.
Circus for a Psycho – YouTube Music video for Skillet. Listen to it! I share what I think this song may mean. Are you in a fight? Do you go round after round and cannot stop? You will want to listen to this song if you are or aren’t in a fight. It is a good song over all. #SkilletMusic
Muppets Choir video shared on my blog. Listen as the sing a gospel song, Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus. This is a must watch and listen! #Muppets #Jesus
I do a review of Biblical Times Dinner in Pigeon Forge. Is the show good? How’s the food? I share my thoughts on this attraction. #Bible #PigeonForge #Dinner
Say Amen, the official youtube music video for Finding Favour. Finding Favour is a Contemporary Christian Music band.
Finding Favour live in concert at the 2014 Unity Festival in White Pine, TN. Presented by Tree Ministry. Free event with food, games & fellowship, Plus the Muscle Car Ministry! #UnityFestival #FindingFavour
Skillet’s Song, This is the Last Night. I share the song with you, some lyrics, and what the song is about. #LastNight #suicide #skillet
This blog entry takes a look at another Christian based business, a restaurant called Cook-Out. Check out a review of this establishment. #CookOut #Christianbusinesses #EatCookOut
I share with you the song from Skillet, Freakshow. What it it means to me. So welcome to the Freakshow! #Skillet #Freakshow
Another great way to share a testimony is through cardboard testimonies. Our youth group recently got to do a cardboard testimony. I got to help do the cardboard testimony. Check out what mine said that day. #Coardboardtestimonies
My theory of this is if God is not real then why is the world trying to taking Him out of things. If He is not real then there is not need for others to …
Newsboys Song God’s Not Dead Music Video #GodsNotDead
My first experience at Xtreme Winter in Gatlinburg, TN. An Xtreme experience with Christian Music and Christian speakers. Read my blog entry to find out how my experience went. #XtremeWinter
This is the Official Music Video on YouTube for “Build Your Kingdom Here” by Rend Collective, A Christian Music Band. I like their panjo they play.
Do you have a hurting heart that needs help? There is an answer! Do you think there is no end? Do you want to know how to find that? Check out this blog post on this film Hope for Hurting Hearts and see for yourself if you can find it too.
Talk about talking to God during your commute to work and from work. Do you take advantage of that commute time to pray?
This is the YouTube music video for “Worn” by 10th Avenue North. This is also the official music video for the song by 10th Avenue North.