God’s Compass Review & Trailer! GOD’S COMPASS demonstrates, the Lord’s universal Truth, that no matter what we faces in life there is a greater force, a greater wisdom that guides us when we follow God’s Plan for our life, our “True NORTH.” #GodsCompass
Category: Christian Movies
Christian Movies, Faith-based Movies, Movies
The Importance of Christian and Family-Friendly Media. In a world where the culture is changing quickly before our very eyes, the need for faith-based and family-friendly media has never been more pertinent. Pure Flix Entertainment seeks to fill a void and bring a light into the dark world of modern media by providing faith and family-friendly entertainment choices through Pure Flix Theatrical releases and its video on demand streaming service. #PureFlix
The Student Body Film Review – Obesity will never look the same. The documentary takes on the heated topic of childhood obesity and the epidemic that it is, but even more so the efforts to solve this problem through mandatory weigh ins and letters to the children that have had a lot of unintended consequences. #StudentBody #Obesity #BMI #BodyImage #TheStudentBody #StoptheFatLetters #FatLetters
God’s Not Dead 2 Movie Review & Trailer – I share my review and the movie trailer to this sequel. #GodsNotDead #GodsNotDead2 #TheHumanRight
Knock Knock Go Christian Search Engine
Knock Knock Go Christian Search Engine, a Christian specific search engine to help for Christians who wish to study God’s word be it for personal growth. #KnockKnockGo #KnockKnock #SearchEngine #SEO
Movie review and the movie trailer for the faith-based movie, Caged No More. The movie is from the co-producers of God’s Not Dead. Be inspired as a freedom fighter and learn more about human trafficking in this movie. #CagedNoMore
This is a movie review for the movie Hear No Evil “Awakened”, a faith-based movie. I also share the trailer to this movie too. #Awakened
This is my review of the faith-based movie Chasing Grace along with the trailer to this movie. “Fooling yourself is easy, forgiving yourself isn’t.” #ChasingGrace
Documentary review & movie trailer for Living Hope. Even in the darkness of despair, there is hope. Narrated by Joel Smallbone of For King & Country. #LivingHope
This is my review of the faith-based movie, Noble. I also share with you info about the film and even share the trailer to this movie. #NobleMovie #Noble
God’s Not Dead Movement – In 2014 a movement was started w/the movie God’s Not Dead. It is now coming back again with God’s Not Dead 2 The Movie. Find out what is it and how you … #TheHumanRight #GodsNotDead #GodsNotDead2
The Bible The Epic Miniseries Review
The Bible when aired was an epic 5-week TV mini-series that premiered March 2013 on the History Channel from Emmy winning husband & wife team, Mark Burnett & Roma Downey. This is my unbiased review. #TheBible #BibleSeries
While the 1,400th translation is a notable accomplishment, it is not the end of the story. The JESUS Film Project plans to continue translating the film into every language with more than 50,000 speakers.
The Reconciler, When Your Only Hope is God. I share the trailer to this movie, a short synopsis and my review of this faith-based movie. #Reconciler
If there was no God than Everything is Permissible because there would be no moral standards to live by and we would not have had the 10 Commandments which is the bases for all laws today.
This is for a very good Christian, Family friendly movie called “Secrets in the Snow” This movie almost reminds me of the Breakfast Club. This movie kids try to figure each other out and why there were stranded in a snow storm at school. You will love this movie. Plus Review & Trailer #SecretsintheSnow
I blog about having a War Room, Prayer Room, Prayer Wall or Prayer Journal. We can do our fighting in prayer, a communication with God, give Him all our cares and worries. #WarRoom #PrayerRoom #PrayerWall #PrayerJournal
In this post on the Road Signs of the Bible, I want to talk about the Dead End sign. I got this from the other day, my mom was watching
Adrenaline a faith-based movie, It’s not what you drive, it’s what drives you. (Trailer & Review) What is your purpose? #Adrenaline #AdrenalineMovie
A Video that shows what if the Mormon missionary actually told you the truth about that they believe when they came to your door. #Mormons