Australia to Kill Feral Cats – Australia is serious about trying to rid the country of feral cats by killing them. Australia to Kill Feral Cats A feral cat is a wild domestic cat. In Australia feral cats are said to be enemy number one. Australia wants to kill nearly 2 million feral cats by 2020. In Queensland, they are even offering money for the scalp of a cat.

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I am Joel the Brave and I am not a black cat, but I am a Pink Panther Covered In Magical Coal Dust. Kind of like how the dalmatian puppies in 101 Dalmatians covered them self in coal dust to look like Labradors. However, my coal dust I am covered in is permanent. That means it won’t come off!

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We built this kitty to the tune of We Built This City by Starship. We built this kitty on Meow ‘N Row. That is all of the lyrics I can come up with for a cat at this time. Meow Maybe I should start a band or just go out singing solo. The Joel the Brave Band. The next hot cat band. All the lady cats will say … Meeeooow!

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Tried to Take Over the World – I tried to take over the world and wasn’t successful. I was trying to take over the world so that all cat treats would come to me. But, I was stopped by two smart lab mice. Tried to Take Over the World

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