
Six Common Myths About Pet Allergies – According to The Humane Society, 62 percent of American households have at least one pet. Yet an estimated 31 million Americans are allergic to animals, including up to 30 percent of those who have asthma. For these people, congestion, sneezing, runny nose and other allergic symptoms occur whenever they are exposed to common household pets.

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God created cats on the 6th Day – On the 6th Day is when God created the hoomans and the land animals. He created the hoomans to have dominion over us animals. It is all recorded in the Bible. us animals know there is a God, but many hoomans don’t!

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A tribute to Blacky the Wheelchair Cat

A tribute to Blacky the Wheelchair Cat. Blacky is a Timaru cat. He lost his back legs by a car accident. Not only did he lose his back legs, but spinal never damage. Not only that but Blacky also has only one eye. #Blacky #WheelChairCat

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Cats and vegetarian diets may not make an ideal match.

Cats and vegetarian diets may not make an ideal match. Cats have a greater need for protein than their canine counterpart. Cats and vegetarian diets may not make an ideal match. While protein can be found in a vegetarian diet, different proteins contain different levels of amino acids cats need to survive. Taurine is an amino acid found in meat and fish that cats cannot synthesize, meaning they must get it through their diets. If cats’ diets don’t include sufficient taurine, the resulting deficiency can lead to heart disease and

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