Embracing the Divine Outdoors: Vesper Services on Your Camping Journey – As we embark on the adventure of camping, let us not forget to carry the flame of faith with us into the wilderness. Embracing the serenity of nature, a vesper service becomes a sacred pause in the midst of the great outdoors.
Category: Camping

Experiencing Spiritual Growth and Community at Centrifuge Camp – Centrifuge Camp, also known as FUGE Camps, organized by Lifeway, is a transformative experience that has been impacting the lives of countless Christian youth across the country. Offering a unique blend of faith-based teachings, outdoor activities, and a vibrant community, Centrifuge Camp provides an environment for young believers to grow in their relationship with God and form lifelong friendships. In this blog post, we will delve into the essence of Christian Centrifuge Camp, exploring its key elements and the positive impact it has on participants. #FUGECamp #Centrifuge

Recognize the signs of hypothermia – The arrival of cold weather provides opportunities to romp in the snow, ski the slopes or enjoy an afternoon ice skating on a frozen pond. But spending time outdoors in the cold or even in an indoor space that is not adequately warmed can result in a serious health condition known as hypothermia. #hypothermia

What is forest bathing? – The mood-boosting feeling of rejuvenation many people experience while spending time in nature is not in their heads. In fact, researchers in parts of Asia have long since studied and documented the benefits of spending time in nature.

How everyday citizens can protect local parks – Local and national parks provide great, often awe-inspiring respites from more developed areas. According to the National Park Service, the United States is home to 59 protected areas designated as national parks, and the NPS encompasses hundreds of additional national park sites as well. In Canada, more than 30 national parks attract millions of visitors each year, supporting the notion that national parks are a global attraction worthy of governmental protection.

National S’mores Day. A day for our favorite campfire treat … S’mores. Time to enjoy a chocolaty,roasted marshmallow treat on a graham cracker. #NationalSmoresDay #SmoresDay #Smores

Smokey corn is a classic campfire dish – Many different foods call to mind campfire cooking. Foods cooked over an open fire take on a unique, smokey and savory flavor that is hard to replicate.

Getting outdoors really is good for you – People who live in regions where winters are cold often note the feeling of rejuvenation they enjoy on the first warm day of late-winter or spring. The chance to get outside and soak up some sun while breathing some warm air is a feeling unlike any other for those who spend much of their winters bundled up in layers of clothing.

What to know before going camping – Camping is one of the most popular outdoor recreational activities in North America. The statistics resource Statistica says the revenue of campgrounds and RV parks was estimated at

6 things to know about pitching a tent – Camping provides the perfect opportunity to get in touch with nature and disconnect from the daily grind. Camping is a timeless tradition forged by cooking over portable stoves, foregoing indoor plumbing and sleeping under the stars.

Get fired up about campfire cooking – Camping season revs up when the temperature warms. In a recent survey by Kampgrounds of America, Inc., the main reasons people say they go camping are to reconnect with nature, spend time with family and friends and reduce stress and relax. A great way to spend time in God’s beautiful creation!

Make campfires safe and enjoyable – Who doesn’t look forward to sitting around a crackling campfire in the evening with family or friends? Such an experience attracts people to try camping, ultimately converting many of them into lifelong camping enthusiasts.

A Simple Recipe by CenterCutCook to make Campfire Cones, these are similar to S’mores and look just yummy and easy to make. #CampfireCones

Camp Hope of East Tennessee is FREE – Does your child(ren) love camping? How about sending them to a FREE Christian Camp! #CampHope

God didn’t call us to go camping- This is a church about camping and fishing. This is a great sign for everyone even if you aren’t a camper or fisher. #Camping #Fishing

The Organic Act of 1916 established the National Park Service within the Department of the Interior. The act stated: “The service thus established shall promote … #NationalParks #Hike100

I talk about The Great American Backyard Campout, a great time to go camping with the family in your own backyard and share some Bible stories.

July 3, 2014 marks my 20th year of being an Eagle Scout. I talk about being an Eagle Scout. #Eagle #EagleScout #BoyScouts #BSA
If you were a Boy Scout growing up in the Great Smoky Mountain Council and going camping to Camp Pellissippi you may remember the story of Pellissippi Pete. #PellissippiPete