Ten Years Blogging at CourageousChristianFather.com – I’ve been blogging since around 2004, so a good 18 years, but I have been blogging on this domain since 2012, 10 years now! I call my blogging anniversary my blogaversary, a play on words. #blogaversary #bloganniversary
Category: Blogging
Using Social Media to Share your Faith
I talk about using social media to share your faith. We have access to this great way to connect to others, why not use it to share Christ? #SocialMedia
Bible Gateway Blogger Grid Members – This is a list of Christian bloggers who belong to this grid. #bgbg2 #christianblog #Christianbloggers
3 Million Page Views! I would like to thank God for bringing now over 3 million page views to this blog ministry! I would also like to thank everyone who has visited and shared blog posts! #Pageviews #3Million
Guest Bloggers Welcome! – Seeking Some Christian Guest Bloggers and Writers! #GuestBloggers #GuestBlog #GuestWriter
Blogvember a time to get blogging! Come on all you Christian Bloggers and Blog for the LORD! #Blogvember
The A-Z Of Christian Blogs – This is a list of Christian Blogs, Christian Blog Post and/or anything to do with Christian Blogging that start with the letter of the alphabet and I am going to go from A to Z. #ChristianBlogs #ChristianBlogging
How Christian Blogging Can Get You Blacklisted – I am going to share how you can get blacklisted by having a Christian Blog. #ChristianBlog
Christian Blog Scavenger Hunt – Here is a game for Christian Bloggers to find other Christian blogs based on these topics. #ScavengerHunt #ChristianBlogScavengerHunt
Social Media & Blog Graphic Design Apps – Here are some graphic design apps you can use for your blog and/or social media. #AdobeSpark #SocialMediaPostMaker #SocialMedia #Blogging
Blogging Bingo Printable – Here is a free Bingo Printable for blogggers. This Bignog sheet has blog post ideas. #Bingo #BloggingBingo
Ways to Encourage A Blogger – Here is a list of ways you can help encourage a blogger. #Blogging
Christian Apps – Here are some Christian Apps that I use and recommend. #ChristianApps
Christian Blog Party! This is for you all of my Christian Bloggers out there! Introduce yourself in the comments
and share a link to
a favorite blog post of yours!
500 WordPress Followers – but my over all total reach from all social media, email And WordPress is much higher.
2 Million Page Views – I have nearly 3,300 published blog post! Another milestone to give God all the Glory. #2Million #2MillionPageViews
10,000 Plus Pageviews in one day! The best yet on this blog!
20 More Blog Writing Prompts – Can’t think of something to write on your blog. Check out these 20 blog writing prompts. #WritingPrompts
Blogtober a time to get blogging! Come on all you Christian Bloggers and Blog for the LORD! #Blogtober
7th Year Blogging on CourageousChristianFather.com also known as my blogaversary (Blogging Anniversary)