The Torah is one of the most significant religious texts in the world and it is a sacred scripture that contains the foundation of Jewish law, ethics, and beliefs. The word Torah means “instruction” or “teaching” in Hebrew and is also known as the Pentateuch, which consists of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. #Torah
Category: Bible

Maybe you thought Disney’s Eeyore from Winnie The Pooh or even DreamWork’s Donkey from Shrek was one of the first talking donkeys right? Well … You may want to look again. The Bible shows us there was a talking donkey long before Eeyore or Donkey came out. #Donkey #Eeyore

What is the Jesus Revolution of the 1960’s and 1970’s where Billy Graham preached the Cotton Bowl at Explo ’72. What’s going on today for the Jesus Revolution? #JesusChangesEverything #JesusMovement #JesusRevolution

The Bible according to ChatGPT – this is a response I got when I asked this AI to write me an article on the Bible. #Bible

When life gets difficult, remember that while God is shaping you, He will also use the pain and victory story as a testimony that will guide people to Jesus! – Samuel Deuth #bgbg2

YouVersion Bible App 2022 Stats – Each year, YouVersion dives into the top data trends to highlight how God is moving through the app, and for 2022, Ukraine is one of the Bible app’s most interesting Bible engagement stories. As Ukrainian people fled the war and relocated to different European countries, YouVersion saw Ukrainian-language Bible engagement skyrocket in several of those countries, many by triple digits. #YouVersion #BibleApp

When you can’t, God can! What is impossible with man is possible with God! #bgbg2

This is a video segment from A Charlie Brown Christmas. Charlie Brown asked if anyone can tell him what Christmas is really about and Linus gives it to him real. Linus drops his security blanket too! He breaks out scripture to explain about Jesus’s birth as found in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 2 #CharlieBrown #CharlieBrownChristmas #Linus #ChristmasStory

Give Him Six Touchdown Jesus Christ using a sports analogy on how Jesus won. #bgbg2

In Christ, I Am … (In Christ, you are) This is a list that our pastor, Jimmy Inman used in a sermon about our identity in Christ. May God use these in your life!

46 Random Bible Verses – this blog post shares 46 random Bible verses. #bibleverses #bgbg2

Using Social Media to Share your Faith
I talk about using social media to share your faith. We have access to this great way to connect to others, why not use it to share Christ? #SocialMedia

Joyfully run like children – when was the last time we ran joyfully to church like when a church call kids only fit children a church and the little kids run joyfully to the altar. #bgbg2

Recognize Jesus – A man possessed by thousands of demons recognized Jesus, but the men possessing thousands of Scriptures couldn’t. #bgbg2

The University of Tennessee Rock painted with an Easter Message … He is not here. He has risen. #Easter #bgbg2 #utkcru @utkcru

Kiev Bible Factory Stands Amongst War – You hear stories of fires and Bible surviving, how about 16,000 Bibles and a building standing amongst a war and bombing. Біблія #Біблія #Bible #bgbg2 #Ukraine #Kiev Kiev Bible Factory Stands Amongst War That is exactly what happened in the Ukraine Russian War conflict. Russia bombs part of Kiev, capital of Ukraine and the Bible manufacturing plant there stood in the mists of all the rubble and its 16,000 Bibles inside. God’s Word will always stand! I heard this on the Wally Show,

Long before Zacchaeus couldn’t see Jesus the tree was already planted to meet his need. – Unknown #Zacchaeus #bgbg2

Want proof of God’s love? Then look to the cross! #bgbg2

God’s autobiography – Did you know that God left us an autobiography about Him? #bgbg2

Who does God say you are? Here is a list of what God says you are and the Bible verses. #bgbg2 #Bible #BibleVerses