I saw this on a church sign on my way home from work today. I liked it and figured I would share this with you all in my blog. (click on the blog entry to see what I saw written on the church sign). I also share a picture of this church sign too.

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God’s Word: The content of the Bible is complete. Every word that is in the Bible is what God wanted in the Bible. Even warnings are given for those who add or take away from the Bible. Even the “Canon” of the Bible. How many books are there in the Bible?

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A life in piety. A Talk from my walk to Emmaus. What is piety? How to foster a God-centered relationship. Characteristics of a God-Centered relationship. Fruits of a Life in Piety.

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I just got done reading the book The Resolution for Men by Stephen & Alex Kendrick (Kendrick Brother’s) and with Randy Alcorn. It was edited by Lawrence Kimbrough. I felt lead to share in my blog, my book review of this book.

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Uniqueness of the Bible – What evidence is there that the Bible is the Word of God? One piece of evidence is the fact that among all the books of the world, the Bible is in a class by itself. – Justin Breeden

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The Resolution - Steve Patterson's signed resolution on the wall with his family pictures.

I resolved to be a godly father! I took the Resolution, that is the pledge off of the movie Courageous. Do you resolve to be a godly father, to be the spiritual leader of your home that God designed us to be?

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