This blog entry contains the review of the movie, Heaven is for Real. Is Colton’s vision of heaven what heaven truly is like or is it just that a vision? #HeavenIsForRealMovie #HeavenIsForReal #Heaven

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Last Ounce of Courage: Stand up for your faith and protect your freedom! It’s Time to take a stand! If we all can unite and do what they done in this movie. Maybe can stop or slow down our Christian rights being taken away. #Courage #Freedom

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Folded Piece of Paper

A folded piece of paper, is exactly what this new woman at my church handed me. I do not know who she is, nor does she know who I am. But she gave me this folded piece of paper with two Bible verses on them. Read this blog post to find out what those verses were and what these verses mean to me and how they seem to relate to what is going on with me right now. #Bible #Ruth #Psalm

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Noah And the Last Days

Living Waters presents Noah and the Last Days. It is a documentary about Noah, the end of times and even gives the Good Person Test to people. Check this out. Don’t go see the new movie Noah that Hollywood put out by an atheist director who knowingly made it secular with no mention of God. #Noah

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My theory of this is if God is not real then why is the world trying to taking Him out of things. If He is not real then there is not need for others to …

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The Hand of God, claimed to be a pareidolia, but could it really be the Hand of God? The Hand of God formed as a supernova, a star explosion, to form what looks like a hand. NASA named it “The Hand of God” So what do you think?

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Xtreme Winter 2013

My first experience at Xtreme Winter in Gatlinburg, TN. An Xtreme experience with Christian Music and Christian speakers. Read my blog entry to find out how my experience went. #XtremeWinter

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Do you think you are a good person? You do? Do you care if we take a look using the 10 commandments? This blog post I share the 10 commandments. I also share about if we are a good person based on these standards or not. Find out and take the test for yourself!

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