Fishing for men exactly what Jesus told us to do. Fish for men. What does that mean? Do we reel these men in on a hook? #fishing
Category: Bible

Does this make me look fat, we all have heard this. Here is a Christian comic I find humorous. Eve asked Adam this. Maybe this was man’s second BIG mistake?

The great catch: Can you imagine fishing all day, not catching a single fish, someone telling you to go back out. You obey & catch a multitude of fish. That is exactly what happened to these men.

Did you know there was a man that walked on water? Did you know another many tried? Find out in this series of Bible Stories of the Sea. Find out who walks on water.

Conserve Your Battery – I talk about conserving your battery on your phone & some food for thought how you might be able to conserve your battery spiritually.

This is the sermon from Greg Laurie and my notes from his sermon entitled “What the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know.”

Where for art thou God – Did God leave you? Where was God when this happened?

Lightning I believe is God’s Fireworks. It is unique and powerful.
I even share a couple of Bible verses about Lightning too. #lightning

My daughter and I dress up like cows for Cow Appreciation Day. We visit Chick-fil-A and get our free meal! I even share our picture. #CowAppreciationDay

Find out what looking up to Jesus will prevent.

Man swallowed by whale and lives. The story of Jonah and the Whale, part of my series on Bible Stories of the Sea. #Jonah #BGBG2

I review Kentucky Splash Water Park in Williamsburg, KY. Is it family friend? Maybe Christian oriented? #WaterPark #KentuckySplash #Kentucky #Williamsburg

What is the number 777. What does it mean? Is it God’s number? See some facts I found. #777

Sin City, what is it? I am not talking about Las Vegas, NV. I am talking about another type of Sin City. #SinCity

Blessed is the Nation, this church sign in Alpha, TN area comes from Psalms. Check out that it says about Blessed is the Nation. #ChurchSigns

July 3, 2014 marks my 20th year of being an Eagle Scout. I talk about being an Eagle Scout. #Eagle #EagleScout #BoyScouts #BSA

Vacation from church: When you go on vacation from work and get away, do you take a vacation from church too? Do you find a church while on vacation?

Road Side Mascots, Chick-fil-A cow, to Zaxby’s chicken, even Lady Liberty of Liberty Tax. Next time you pass a road side mascot, beep at them or stop and talk to them. Offer them some kind of encouragement. #encouragement.

Dads Kitchen on Strike! Teaching a teenaged child about keeping up with the dishes. Using the Rod of Correction, “On Strike” #dad #dadskitchen #onstrike

Camouflaged in sin, can sin be camouflaged where you don’t realize that you are sinning? Do you blend into the world or do you stand out? #sin #camouflage