The Stand in the Gap Coalition (SIGCO) is planning a unique and massive prayer walk inviting East Tennessee to Stand At The Cross., the prayer walk will make their way to one of Jim Potters 100 foot crosses which welcomes travelers to Tennessee.
Category: Bible

I discuss about Joyful Noise unto the Lord. #joyfulnoise

Calling Tennessee to Vote Yes on 1 to help save lives. What is yes on 1? Why should I vote Yes on 1? #yeson1tn

Steve’s Christian review of the 2014 Movie, Left Behind Movie. Plus I share the trailer to this movie. #leftbehind

Calling all those kids of the 80’s and 90’s, who participated in the Book It Club by Pizza Hut. Register as an alumni and get a free personal pan pizza! #bookit

A Church sign that talks about investing in external dividends. Check out what this church sign says.

The Food City Food Show, a show you can take the family to hungry because you will leave full of samples, coupons, recipes, goodies etc.

A billboard in Portland is stirring up controversy. It has the appearance of a Bible, with a Bible verse on one side and a quote on the other.

Every Boy needs a Hero, a new great & wonderful family-friend, Dove Family Approved movie about a importance of a father to his family. #Hero

Devotional book review for “31 Days with God for Fathers”.

Bibles are being removed from a hotel chain. Find out which ones and where! #Bible

I talk about a book by Robert J. Morgan, The Red Sea Rules. It gives 10 points for difficult times, using an example of the Israelites at the Red Sea.

Baptism is it required or not required to be saved. Plus, I so some proof why or not not. #baptism

Ripley’s Moving Theater 5D: Come experience a 3D interactive movie, come feel like you are part of the experience. #5D #MotionTheater

The Parted Waters: How many times do you think God parted waters in the Bible? 1 Time? 2 Times? You might be surprised, visit this blog post to find out the answer.

Can you imagine being at sea on a boat and a mighty storm, hurricane like comes about. You are a sleep and calm, but the rest of the crew is panicking and running about like chickens when their heads cut off. That is exactly what happened to these men aboard this ship.

This blog post I talk whether or not I believe Christians should tattoos and why. #tattoos

Read what this Alpha Baptist church sign says about Jesus First. #ChurchSigns

Sea turned to blood, find out about a Sea that turned to blood. One of the various plagues where because Pharaoh wouldn’t let the people go.

Hundreds Survive Shipwreck
Hundreds survive shipwreck unharmed, ship destroyed, crew went without food while they were in the strong storm and winds for 14 days.