Today is day 13 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for Christian Music to listen to.
Category: Bible

Today is day 12 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for the car that I have to drive. It is a blessing from God.

Today is day 11 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for food. Both physical food and spiritual food.

I talk about the footprints of Jesus. We may sometimes see one sets of prints and sometimes we may see two sets.

Today is day 10 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for unanswered prayers.

Movie Review of Angels Love Donuts. A movie about death and if you are ready for heaven.

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 9 – Today is day 9 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for answered prayers.

Today is day 8 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I want to share that I am thankful for my pastor, Bob Neal. #thanksgiving

This is a 2 part review of the Wilderness at the Smokies. This review is the first review and focuses on the hotel room.

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 7 – I am thankful for being blessed with this Christian blog to be able to reach the world and share God’s word and try to reach the lost or even the saved. To share with others about God and What Jesus has done.

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 6 – I am thankful and blessed working with the youth at my church and even the little children on the van ministry too. It is such a blessing. Working with the youth has been great and I know that is my calling and where God is leading me and wants me to do. I have felt led to work with the youth even at a young age, before I got majorly back slidden. Teaching and going on activities with the youth is amazing. You actually learn from them.

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 5 – 30 Days of Thanksgiving. Day 5. I am thankful to live in a country where we can freely worship God.

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 4 – I am thankful that I can pray and elect the godly people I feel led to elect. They may not win, but I can still vote for the godly person I feel will led this country in the way it should be.

A loving, caring and family friendly church. A Church where you feel welcome and free to worship God. A Church where the full Bible is preached and taught.

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 2 – am thankful for a beautiful daughter that the Lord has blessed me with. I love you very much Amber. I am very proud of you.

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 1. I share with you on this first day of Thanksgiving what I am thankful for, Jesus baring our sins for us on Calvary.

Modern English Version (MeV) Bible a new translation of the Bible. I was given one to look at and review. Find out my review here. #MeVBible

What if it was illegal to go to church or witness? Worship Jesus Christ? Would you be bold and still do it facing jail, lose of job, schooling, or even death?

Check out what Evangelist Andrew Green says about the government and making laws, but what he also says about God and Sin. You will want to check this out! You Cannot Stop God!

A Billboard in Tennessee that says “Fight the Good Fight of Faith”. #faith #fight This billboard is near the 407 exit on I-40.