VOTD May 20 – “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17 NASB
Category: Bible
VOTD May 19 – “Then the LORD turned to him and said, “Go with the strength you have and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!” Judges 6:14
Who is your favorite Bible Character? So I went out on social media and asked the followers who their favorite Bible Character is and here are the answers that I got. #BibleCharacter #BibleCharacters #BGBG2
The A-Z of the Bible – Using each letter of the alphabet, I am going to share something about the Bible for each one. It could be a Book of the Bible, Geographical place or Bible Character, etc. #Bible #BGBG2
VOTD May 7 – “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 NASB
Bible Sells Up During the Pandemic – Many Christian Publishers are reporting that Bible sells are up due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. People are looking for hope! #Bible
I share a Skit Guy skit video on Being Mom. Honoring Mom’s not just one day a year but every day. Check out this dad imaging being a mom. #MotherDay
Arguing over the Bible! What’s the point? If any. When trying to defend what the Bible says often you come across that will argue with you over the meaning. Is it worth it?
What Is Your Favorite Bible Verse? I share with you what others say is their favorite Bible Verse. #Bible #BGBG2 #BibleVerse
Nothing Can Separate Us – I am glad to know that as a Child of God, nothing can separate us from the love of God. Nothing Can Separate Us “For
How Bibles are making the World a Better Place – I share a blog post about the Bible and making the world a better place. #Bible
John 21 – Today is Day 21 of the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge. Read the 21st Chapter of the Gospel of John. #John21 #BGBG2
The Disciples Were First Called Christians in Antioch – This is where the Bible records where the disciples were first called Christians. #Christians
John 20 – Today is Day 20 of the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge. Today read the 20th Chapter of the Gospel of John. #John20 #BGBG2
John 19 – Today is Day 19 of the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge. Today read the 19th chapter of the Gospel of John. #John19 #BGBG2
John 13 – Today is Day 13 of the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge. Today read chapter 13 of the Gospel of John. #John13
John 11 – This is Day 11 of the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge. Read the 11th Chapter of Gospel of John. #John11 #Bgb2
Facts about The Antichrist – This is a list of facts about the Antichrist. #AntiChrist #BGBG2
A broken egg. Just think about it, an egg must be broken before we us it. We are just the same as an egg. We must be broken before God can use us. #BrokenEgg
John 7 – Today is Day 7 of the 21 Day Gospel of John Challenge. Today read the seventh chapter of John. #John7 #BGBG2