The Bible May Be old Church Sign is this week’s Church Sign Saturday.
Category: Bible
National Lighthouse Day, this blog entry talks about lighthouses, God is the light of the World. Plus, Rend Collectives song My Lighthouse in this post too. #Lighthouse #Lighthouses #LightHouseDay #NationalLightHouseDay #LighthouseDevotions
Wiggle Your Toes Day. Come on take off those choose and socks and go barefooted and wiggle your toes. Maybe wiggle your toes as a family! #August6 #WiggleYourToesDay
Worst Critic is our own view and thoughts toward ourselves. We tend to be harder on ourselves than others at times. #WorstCritic
I use the story of the three little pigs to make an analogy about Christ being our rock, our firm foundation. As we know from the three pigs foundation is important.
Top 10 Lies of the Devil – Below is a list of the top 10 lies the devil will try to still, kill and destroy you with. Watch out for those fiery arrows.
Sin Justification a form of saying or believing that it is okay to sin against God so you will be content with yourself. #SinJustification #Sin
National Lollipop Day – June 20 is National Lollipop Day. Time to take the family out for some suckers and lollipops. #NationalLollipopDay #LollipopDay #Lollipops
Cow Appreciation Day – A day to appreciation cowshed have an undderlyy good time and score some free grub/food at Chick-Fil-A. Dress up and enjoy a family outing. #Chickfila #CowAppreciationDay #Cow #CowAppreciation
Fear not!
I talk about Fear. These are my sermon notes about Fear. So Fear Not!
God is our Refuge & Strength in Trouble. I share a graphic I saw on Facebook and discuss God is our Refuge in this blog post.
God never leaves us – This is so true, we don’t need to worry what the world thinks, we are to worry what God thinks. God is with us! God is strong than anything, is the all power, creator, Father … He is EVERYTHING above all things!
We all have heard of Leap Year Day, where we have an extra day each year. But have you ever heard of Leap Second Day? #LeapSecond Plus Time in the Bible.
Stages of life & how we need dad at various ages. The ages go from Age 6 to Age 70. It goes from I love you to annoying even to you were right & so on. #Dad
All Lives Matter from the baby in the womb to the eldest living person everyone is special to God & He doesn’t want to see anyone perish. #AllLivesMatter
One Human Race is what God Created! We all have been created in the image of God. We all descended of Adam and Eve. Then the flood wiped out everyone but Noah and his family. Noah’s sons started the world over again. #OneRace
Protest vs Riot – There is a difference between a PROTEST and a RIOT. It Seems today the world has them backwards. #Protest #Riot #Protests #Riots
Recipe for Theological Jello – below is a meme that I saw come up on my memories of Facebook. So I figured I would share it with you all. #TheologicalJello
If we don’t know the Bible quote – a quote from Voddie Baucham.
Completed 60 Day New Testament Journey Reading Plan from YouVersion. #NewTestament