Former Atheist Makes the Case for Christmas; Bible Gateway Hosts Free Online Bible Study with Lee Strobel Starting November 30 #BGBG2 #LeeStrobel #CaseForChristmas
Category: Atheist

Atheist Pride Day – A day for professing atheist to take pride in their belief and let others know they don’t believe. #AtheistPrideDay

Texas Judge Gifts Bible, Atheist At Uproar – A Texas judge gives a Bible as a gift and to no surprise an atheist group is at an uproar

Hug an Atheist Day was started by William Bermudez in 2009 as a parody of other Facebook groups that were popping up at the time that encouraged hugging people.

Atheist Delusion Movie Review & Full Movie – The movie destroys atheism with one scientific question. Find out why millions deny the obvious. #AtheistDelusion