I use the story of the three little pigs to make an analogy about Christ being our rock, our firm foundation. As we know from the three pigs foundation is important.
Category: Analogy

An analogy on how God is like Spinach. I use the analogy of how Popeye gets his strength from the Spinach. We too get strength and that source is God. #NationalSpinachDay

Blog Series Road Signs of the Bible. How do the common road signs we see as we drive relate to the Bible?

God has a big eraser. A Big eraser to wipe that whiteboard clean of the sin. We must come to Him for the cleaning of our whiteboard and turn from our ways.

Ants work in unity to make a raft, we as Christians need to be in unity just like these ants to win souls for the Kingdom by sharing Jesus to the lost.

We all know the hit show the Walking Dead, but who really is the walking dead? Find out in this blog post on the true Walking Dead. #WalkingDead

I’d rather prefer the way I do evangelism versus the way you do not do it talking about those who complain about the way I evangelise vs the way they don’t do it.

A great video that demonstrates the importance of just keep praying, soon your darkness will become all clear. Using Gatorade bottle, dark liquid and water. #prayer

My End Stinks maybe it is because we follow our instincts like an animal. Maybe we should follow God’s Word and not our instinct.

Don’t Be Fuelish! Fuel up on the Word of God so you will know when someone is trying to pass bad or the wrong kind of fuel into you.

Keep your eyes on the road, an interesting video about keeping your eyes on the road. Watch this video! This can be used to show you to keep your eyes on Jesus. Plus check out this church sign about Texting and Driving. #StopTheText #Texting #Txt #Txting

How is the Holy Spirit like an alarm system? Find out in this blog post. I discuss how the Holy Spirit is like an alarm system. #alarmsystem #holyspirit

I talk about taking the back roads, I then share how the road to Jesus is a straight and narrow road, unlike the back roads we take to get to our destinations on earth.