Building 429 involved in a serious bus crash

Building 429 involved in a serious bus crash - While the Band, Building 429 was on tour in Arkansas the weekend of October 27, 2018, they were in a serious bus crash. #Building429

Building 429 involved in a serious bus crash – While the Band, Building 429 was on tour in Arkansas the weekend of October 27, 2018, they were in a serious bus crash. #Building429

Building 429 involved in a serious bus crash

While the Band, Building 429 was on tour in Arkansas the weekend of October 27, 2018, they were in a serious bus crash. The band was on their way from Little Rock, AR to SOuth Carolina. That is when a traffic accident on theother side of the interstate caused a truck to come on the other side striking their tour bus.

The band is acting for prayers for the driver of the truck that hit the tour bus.

Building 429 involved in a serious bus crash - While the Band, Building 429 was on tour in Arkansas the weekend of October 27, 2018, they were in a serious bus crash. #Building429

According to Building 429’s Twitter and Instagram, while the accident was serious, no one in the band was injured. See the Message below …

 “We were in an accident but we’re all safe. [However], A man named Senica was injured and taken to the hospital so please lift him up. [He] was responsive but pretty badly injured. It’s a miracle that Senica wasn’t crushed in his car that looked more like a crushed soda can than a vehicle.”

Also sharing this scripture: “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.” Psalms‬ ‭18:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Bulding429 also stated. “So many have been praying but asked what happened. We’re praying for Senica but didn’t directly hit him. Our driver is very cautious and didn’t cause the accident, it was a wreck on the other side of the interstate causing a truck to fly to our side. Pray for all involved!”

Plus this on their Facebook page:

Friends, today we’ve gone back to our band verse, Ephesians 4:29 to be reminded of why we started on this journey. We felt called to build others up through the hope and love of Christ! As many of you know in ministry there are times when you’re the one that needs encouraging, strengthening and building up…and friends, that day is today for us. Honestly, this recent accident we’ve been involved in has taken a toll on us spiritually, physically and financially. We covet your prayers and are strengthened by your kind words! As my grandmother used to say, sometimes the caregivers need care. Please pray for wisdom on how we should walk through this and decisions to come. Grateful for you all more than you know!

No more information is known at this time.


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2 thoughts on “Building 429 involved in a serious bus crash

    1. Exactly, even the band, B429, will need prayers too. No matter who you are an accident like that will shake you up. But, just like they quoted and their song, I won’t be shaken! Thanks for the comment, Matthew.

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