Bubble Gum Day

Bubble Gum Day – A day to get some bubble gum and blow some bubbles! #BubbleGumDay #BubbleGum

Bubble Gum Day


Bubble Gum is for blowing bubbles while chewing gum is for chewing. This day is held the first Friday in February each year. This day was started in 2006 by author Ruth Sprio.

Bubble Gum Day #BubbleGumDay
Bubble Gum Day – A day to blow bubbles with your bubble gum. #BubbleGumDay Share on X

Present Date

February 5, 2021

Future Dates

  • 2021 – February 5
  • 2022 – February 4
  • 2023 – February 3
  • 2024 – February 2

Chewing gum reminds me of Violet Beauregarde from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It also reminds me that baseball cards use to have a very hard stick of gum in each pack.

Some schools and places, have you donate some change to be allowed to have gum, in places you normally cannot chew gum. Usually the money goes to a charity.

I remember gum was not allowed in school. Our teacher had a rule, if you was caught chewing gum, you had to either have enough pieces for everyone in the glass or wear it on the end of your nose.

I also remember Big League Chew, the gum that came in a pouch and was shredded, we would try to put the whole back in our mouth.

First published January 30, 2019. Last updated or republished January 28, 2021.

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