Broken Things by Matthew West Official Music Video

Broken Things by Matthew West Official Music Video – Check out this official music video from Matthew West for the song Broken Things. I also share the lyrics to the song too.

Broken Things by Matthew West Official Music Video

This is the song that Heather and I walked down the isle to on February 17, 2018.




If grace is a kingdom
I’ve stopped at the gate
Thinking I don’t deserve to pass through after all of the mistakes I’ve made
But I heard a whisper
As Heaven bent down
Said, “Child, don’t you know that the first will be last and the last get a crown?”

Now I’m just a beggar in the presence of a King
I wish I could bring You so much more
But if it’s true You use broken things
Then here I am Lord, I am all Yours

The pages of history they tell me it’s true
That it’s never the perfect; it’s always the ones with the scars that You use
It’s the rebels and the prodigals; it’s the humble and the weak
The misfit heroes You chose
Tell me there’s hope for sinners like me

Grace is a kingdom
With gates open wide
There’s seat at the table just waiting for you
So, come on inside

Publishing: © 2017 Atlas Music Publishing / House Of Story Music Publishing / Two Story House Music / Highly Combustible Music (ASCAP) / Housermania Music/ (ASCAP) (admin. by Amplified Administration)

Writer(s): Jason Houser, AJ Pruis and Matthew West

Broken Egg

It is so true, God does use broken things. It reminds me that an egg must be broken to be used.

The Broken Egg

Broken Crayons

Not to mention, even broken crayons still color to!

Broken Crayons Still Color





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