Breaking a car window to save a child locked in a hot car

Breaking a car window to save a child locked in a hot car


A new Tennessee Law goes into affect that will allow anyone who breaks a persons car window to rescue a child in a hot locked car immune from civil liability. In the summer months in East Tennessee we can reach 90 even up to 100 degrees outside.This bill went into effect July 1, 2014.

Breaking Window Hot CarA car can quickly eat up in the heat, closed windows, the windows act like a green house. Heats the inside up, magnifies the eat. In a short amount of time, it can reach hotter than the outside temperature.  It could be 85 degrees outside and in 20 minutes a locked, windows rolled up car can reach 104 if not hotter.

Rep. David Hawk (R-Greeneville) is the one who sponsored the bill.

According to WBIR, In 2012 Tennessee ranked fourth in the nation for child deaths in hot cars. California, Texas, and Arizona are the top 3 states.

 The good samaritan law allows you to break into a hot car if you see a child without an adult. The doors must be locked and the child must be in danger.

Before you break the window, you must first call 911 and report it to local authorities. After you call 911, you must stay with the child until law enforcement arrives.

Do not leave your children in car period, Take them inside with you! Don’t even leave them in  a car with windows cracked, it still will get on inside the car.  I honestly believe if you leave your child in a hot car that shows you have no care or concern for them. Take the time to take them with you. It could help save their life. By leaving them in the car, you are facing child endangerment. That is grounds for the state to take away custody and put you in jail.

KPD suggests creating reminders so you never leave your child in the first place, such as leaving your diaper bag up front or your cell phone and purse in the back seat.

According to WVLT, HB1943 Tort Liability and Reform – As enacted, confers civil immunity upon a person who forcibly enters a motor vehicle for purpose of removing a minor locked or trapped inside the vehicle if the person has good faith belief that the minor is in imminent danger of suffering harm if not immediately removed. – Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 34, Part 2.

I think this is a good thing. Too many children die in hot locked cars. I hope that more states follow in suit. Since Tennessee is the first state to pass this type of bill. I hope it makes a trend for other states to follow.

I think the same should apply to pets!

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11 thoughts on “Breaking a car window to save a child locked in a hot car

  1. I think this is great news! I hope they do the same thing for pets being locked in hot cars!

  2. If someone broke my window and tried to get my dog out, my dog would bite their arm off for breaking into my car. Dogs are loyal creatures, hot car or not

  3. Thanks for the comment, Danielle Bonner- Peck but currently TN is the only state with a law, but it only applies to children. Pets do not immune you from this law.

  4. But I bet you love your dog enough, James, that you wouldn’t leave him in a sweltering car.

  5. And I know Steve, but there needs to be repercussions for anyone leaving any living creature in a hot car.

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